[ScrewThisNoise][Illusion] PlayClub (プレイクラブ) BetterRepack R1

2020-11-28 21:28 UTC
File size:
14.9 GiB
Info hash:
![BetterRepack R1](https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img922/1452/i04tw8.png "BetterRepack R1") Links: https://dl.betterrepack.com/public/ (You can find direct downloads etc in here) If you want to get notified about new releases, feel free to join my notification discord: https://discord.gg/pSGZ4uz ### Changelog: - Added Base Game - Applied preorder (plc_hard) - Applied preorder (plc_souki) - Applied Base game update (playclub_02_plus_all0508) - Applied Append Disk - Applied Append Preorder (playclub_03_appendmap) - Applied Append Extra - Applied Append Update (playclub_03_appendmap_0729all) - Converted English translation from hardmod to XUA (HF-Patch) - Converted Chinese translation from hardmod to XUA (ZodGame) - Added IPALoader v1.2.4 - Added RuntimeUnityEditor - Added XUnity.AutoTranslator 4.13.0 - Added 2155X's PC_ScrollableUI v1.0 - Added Horse's ScriptLoader v1.2.4 - Added IllusionLaunchers v3.0.0 - Added AdditionalShortcuts v1.0 - Added CameraModifications v0.6 - Added Cellshader - Added Ggmod for PlayClub v1.0.5.2 - Added MaestroMode v0.3.1 - Added Oyakodon v0.0.4 - Added PCPlayShot v2.4 (Modified) - Added PCStudioItemeXperience v.1.0 (Modified) - Added Size Matters v0.1.0 - Added SkinTexMod v1.0 - Added TouchyFeely v1.1.5 - Added Alexae's AdjustMod v1.2 - Added Eusth's PlayClubVR v0.9.6 (Modified) - Added hermitX's Story Translation 2015-08-01 - Added akyryz's UI Translation - Added moistened_eye's Shortcuts v1.0.3 - Added DillDoe's Studio UI Translation - Added cur144's Uncensor Mixture v1.4 - Added 100% save to BRExtras ### Patreon I'd very much appreciate it if you would all think about supporting me on patreon, but keep in mind that I won't paywall my packs, this is just for supporting me making my packs better :) There is currently a direct download option exclusive to patreons, take a peek at [https://www.patreon.com/posts/trial-run-only-29049006] for more information. ~.~ ![Patreon](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/575260461579108352/576067606566666260/PatreonBanner.png "Patreon") [https://www.patreon.com/BetterRepack/]

File list

hello again STN thanks again for all your repacks i just have a few questions....is there going to be a AA2 repack? is that possible? and was also wondering with Koikatu, is there a way to revert to Japanese download databas for this game if so how or when. thank you in advance.

screwthisnoise (uploader)

It is possible, but I don't plan to at this time. I am aware of the demand for such a repack, but for the time being that's not in the cards. and for koikatsu, the japanese one is in BRExtras (Vanilla Uploader), just copy that to the game folder and it'll be restored. Do keep in mind that Illusion blocks all non-japanese IPs and a lot of VPNs
I tried it sadly it didn't work for me, i just want to be able to download modded KK content. i heard there was an unofficial option in KK Party is there any way possible to transfer that option to KK or is it to bad so sad kindof a deal...thanks for the reply btw.

screwthisnoise (uploader)

You can use the Koikatsu Party downloader in the Japanese game... I've set my newest packs to do so, so shouldn't be a problem, if that's what you mean?
Not exactly they don't allow modded characters...do they? i haven't tried but i haven't found any modded characters in the party browser to download.
Hey @screwthisnoise, I notice that quite a lot of the (Custom?) pantyhose are misaligned down around the feet areas. Is there any fix for this? Otherwise is working great, upload and the work on it is much appreciated!
@STN - I had to do a double take because I thought this was an updated pack for Playhome, but this is Playclub. I've never heard of this one. Is this a sequel, or related to Playhome in some way? How do the graphics compare? Does this require specific cards that only work for Playclub, or do Honey Select and / or Playhome cards work? Also, is a final definitive all-in-one pre-modded pack for the original Honey Select still in the cards, so to speak, or is that off the table at this point? Amazing work as ever. Thanks for all the effort!
Thank you for everything STN !

screwthisnoise (uploader)

### DominusRoth: No, some mods are wonky, that's just how it is, most work great, and none were so low quality that I excluded them... well, except for the 20 or so mods I took out to fix later manually... ### nincow: This is a older game, from 2015. the Play series is a long running series of illusions... Rapelay, Premium Play Darkness, RealPlay, PlayClub, PlayHome.... basically a earlier game in that series. All these games deal with forceful sexual encounters ### Chimara38: No problem, do enjoy :)
@STN - Got it. Where does one find cards for Playclub? The booru's have categories for HS1, HS2, PH and KK, but not PC. Or does this release not feature sharable cards, and that came later?

screwthisnoise (uploader)

It's kinda hard since everything around that game was at HongFire... but I have the rip of the Illusion uploader: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1nNUEnDWl0gdKIVjhBktkPpzXoevx18hQ // https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/3152379 Some cards and scenes to look through there :-)
very nice, PlayClub finally got repack by screwthisnoise! I wish you one day repack Premium Play Darkness.
i cant run this game...cannot open how to say... i open the launcher i click start game the playclub window is open not responding then it close it self
It would be awesome if anyone would be kind enough to share some mods for this game. Ever since Hongfire went down you can't find any. I mean clothing mods and such.
this repack fails at everything and after reading aa bit "PATREON" ... nope there is no way to trust a scammer (besides even with all the mods this had on the day it barelly was 9 GB in size) leaving the oversized zip aside promoting this kind of scammer shouldn't be allowed (this is why hongfire died because this faggot was profitting from other people hard work and they got mad) @strawhat64 sadly this game didn't had that many mods.
@meyen10 stfu ffs stop spamming on every thread he makes.