# Release 1.3 // 31.10.2019
Anime-Sharing: <http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/hentai-games-38/english-%5Billusion%5D-ai-shoujo-ai-girl-ai%2A少女-betterrepack-r1-2-a-881787>
f95zone: <https://f95zone.to/threads/illusion-ai-girl-ai-discussion-thread.34853/post-2585338>
If you want to get notified about new releases, feel free to join my notification discord: https://discord.gg/pSGZ4uz
Update from R1.1: https://mega.nz/#F!CbBUDKwL!C9bQpDufOMLcC_-LjMzHKw
(Delayed release, please keep an eye on this, it'll be there eventually)
### Changelog:
- Applied official update aisyoujyo_02_plus_1031vcv_sub
- Updated sideloader modpack
- Added POV mod as optional
- Added optional frames and backgrounds from older illusion games in BRExtras
- Added studio support for DHH
- Added 2155X's AI_UnlockPlayerHeight v1.1.0
- Added DeathWeasel's InvisibleBody v1.3
- Added DeathWeasel's PoseFolders v1.0
- Added DeathWeasel's StudioObjectMoveHotkeys for AI Girl v1.0
- Added getraid's Look Speed Unlocker v1.0.0
- Added Keelhauled's GraphicsSettings v1.1.0
- Added Yue + Duck Preset Pose Pack v5.0
- Updated scripts for Horse's ScriptLoader
- Updated BepisPlugins to R12.3 (Fixes screenshot problems amongst other things)
- Updated BepInEx.ConfigurationManager to v14.1
- Updated IllusionFixes AIGirl to v1.5.1
- Updated XUnity.AutoTranslator to v4.6.2
- Updated DeathWeasel's MaterialEditor to v1.8
- Updated DeathWeasel's UncensorSelector to v3.8.3
- Updated Marco's RuntimeUnityEditor to v1.9
### Patreon
I'd very much appreciate it if you would all think about supporting me on patreon, but keep in mind that I won't paywall my packs, this is just for supporting me making my packs better :)
There is currently a direct download option exclusive to patreons, take a peek at [https://www.patreon.com/posts/trial-run-only-29049006] for more information. ~.~

I have just now finished downloading the 1.2 version of this repack. Is there an updater to 1.3 or do I have to download it again?
Thank you for your work on this.
You can make the game Japanese by deleting certain files, right? That's how I do it in Koikatsu and Honey Select. I'm interested in a convenient turn-off option for future releases, but in the meantime, which specific files do you delete to remove the translation and play in Japanese this time? I wasn't able to figure it out completely with yesterday's release. Thank you for the diligent releases, though!
How come now after sex the girls always comment as if you didn't put it in. Example "I knew you didnt have the guts." "Are you not going to do it?" Is it part of the full save? Or a mod
Hi there again thanks for these, I posted this in the 1.2 release and I'm not sure if it's just me but it seems that one of the standard girl cards is missing. On the website she's the one with glasses and going by the other's card name she'll be upai_chara_0000005.
wow... loads of questions here, gonna address by question instead of user here, kay :)
### Is uncensor working now?
Yes, for females it's working well, not for males though
### The version number is 1.0.2. What is the reason?
That's the game version, not the repack version. I have decided against changing the version number as that would be a level of unnecessary change to vanilla files, and I don't want to do that if I don't ABSOLUTELY need to. So working as intended :)
### Has the pushupAI bug been fixed?
that mod is put into optional due to user tastes and some users experiencing bugs.
### Can't connect to download/upload function
Yeah, nothing much I can do about that yet I'm afraid. Illusion has blocked all non-japanese IPs from accessing their service. this means that you'll need a VPN to establish a connection with their server. Due to the generous support of my patrons though, I have commissioned a alternative server be created and set up for offering a international server for the game, so hopefully we'll be able to address that soon :D
### How come now after sex the girls always comment as if you didn’t put it in
No idea... might be personality based, haven't experienced that myself as of now
### can I make the game japanese
I recommend against deleting the bepinex folder as that will remove all mods and fixes made by the modding community. Deleting the xunity folders in plugin should do the work for now though. I have a updated vanillify file meant to automate the process of removing the translations, but forgot to include that in R1.3, it'll be available in the pack in R2, and I also plan to add a 'Disable translation' toggle to the launcher when time allows :)
i have some question for this update
1. include subtitle Eng. text for girl speak while have sex ?
2. include " push up bra " in this update ? because 1.1 and 1.2 i didnt see this option
I am guessing a future version about 1.5 or 1.7 repacks might be better than getting this one for now(yes, I am not that desperate for updates).
Also, In case if anybody wondering, getting this version repack itself is more size friendly than getting the updates. It does mean that it taks your internet quota though...
hi , for people who want to download: girl and/or housing :
u can use the free VPN : TunnelBear then create a "tunnel" to japan , when this is done , launch the game and use the uploader/downloder
Worked for me yesterday (fyi - i'm in france)
i tried some other free VPN before , but no option for japan avaible :-(
When I press F5 to open the Bepinex Configuration Manager, the menu show up but I can't see my mouse cursor.
After that I can't do anything, the game can't be controlled and doesn't respond to any input.
Does anyone know what cause this?
I'm using better repack 1.2 btw
Q: Stuck at white screen , the “Illusion” logo wont appear , whats the problem? Pls help
"Most probably missing files, you might need to make sure you done the unpacking right. If not, might be hardware issues."
Q: I really want to enjoy the game, but english translate nor the uncensor is working. Can someone help?
"As mentioned the only working uncensor right now, is only for females. As for translation, you might need to recheck your plugin if its running correctly. It usually happened if you didn't done the unpacking right."
Q: When I press F5 to open the Bepinex Configuration Manager, the menu show up but I can’t see my mouse cursor.
"Ever tried middle mouse to bring up menu and close it down? If it doesn't work, have you tried the Hotfix provided for 1.2 on MEGA?"
the game environment is dynamic makes the fps is down and the game run slowly in the forest is there any mod make this game more stable or any solution to resolve this?
When I press F5 to open the Bepinex Configuration Manager, the menu show up but I can’t see my mouse cursor.
After that I can’t do anything, the game can’t be controlled and doesn’t respond to any input.
Does anyone know what cause this?
BepInEx using the same shortcut for smartphone menu , in my case it's F1 btw
So, from now on you can only access the smartphone menu with middle click, the cursor works like normal.
How I resolved it:
1. Press F1 to open the BepInEx Configuration Manager (yes, the smartphone menu will be opened up too behind it)
2. Make necessary changes on BepInEx Configuration Manager.
3. Right click outside the BepInEx Configuration Manager to close it.
4. Right click again to close your smartphone screen.
Thanks for your reply, really appreciate it.
Oh no, when I say the menu show up, what I mean is the BepInEx Configuration Manager window shows up, not the phone. I checked the configuration file, my shortcut is set to F5. Changing it to F1 solves the problem.
Just like you said, now F1 opens up both phone menu and Config manager. I guess OP who made this pack changed it to F5 to avoid this problem (opening phone menu), but I'm not sure why it doesn't work.
If I set it to F5, the config manager windows opens, but after that I can't do anything.
Never mind, found the solution. Just need to update BepInEx.ConfigurationManager to v14.1, which is what actually this Repack 1.3 does.
My internet speed is crappy, which is why I still haven't downloaded.
Thanks @seangeL
v.1.0.2 but i found more and more bugs on it, possible more than 1.01. some character like Chan (merchant) at some point she only stay in bath room in the abandoned house and don't go any where like she used to. which cause 2 bugs 1. if you try to H her game stuck (but not freeze) and have to press esc to exit game only. and 2. her goods won't be update. and yeah some girl behavior even more weirder than before. such as they getting cold but keep taking shower with cold water. even i already prepare hot water batch tube for them. doing H at in the tent some times push you out of tent. worse than that this week where i expected they gonna upload new update to fix bugs......nope..they didn't. this may be the most buggy game that Ilusion ever made.
@uglywolf thank you for your reply.
I don't know much about the BepInex, but if you could guide me I could probably fix it. I just installed the game with virtual drive. Then I unpacked the repack 1.3 with winzip, then moved the contents to the game folder by overwriting and moving the files. Did I install it incorrectly? I don't see any BepInex configuration manager or anything. I don't think it is working at all. On the doorstop config, it is directing to preloader.dll, but my preloader shows as .csproj file? Is that what is causing the problem?
I have 2 questions.
1st: Does the merchant never sleep?
2nd: How can I use the Lonely-thing on the girl?
Do I just need to keep it in the inventory for the effect to be active?
### Ahegao
I share them here and there, so just ask and ye shall receive ;-)
1031 update
SUB: https://mega.nz/#!aOx3VIYD!uCPynSTop2e7wFkOXRkWKAdyvqJEyU-fD48sqzUIgz8
ALL: https://mega.nz/#!PXpHgCRQ!XCGzcTO6tJyIBWKSce22aeDVvyDxJT-3ZWBPV19dsuA
(Sub is if you have the previous update already applied, all is a bundle of all updates. use all if you're unsure)
Thank you very very muchi's!
It is already being mentioned to not overwrite files with any repacks, beside the UserData folder or the same updated repacks.
Though, if it was me, I'll delete the previous repack's data and unpack the new ones.
In case you already have different installation which is not from ScrewThisNoise, even an original copy(regardless of what it is or was), uninstall them clean.
Just backup your UserData folder in case you have the game progress.
And since you already have the full repack of this, just unpack, and move it to any directory you desired.
Followed by Moving/Copying your UserData folder into it(replace it if asked),
Then finally, run registration fix.
Just like that, you should be able to to run the game properly.
sorry ,i need help,How can I completely delete residual files?
I installed the original version and your Release 1.3,The original version works betteron my poor computer.but,after I had deleted your Release 1.3,I found that the original InitSetting is invalid...run AI-Syoujyo.exe,will open a very small window,Cant see nothing ...how fix that :(
@STN - I see a lot of potential with this title but I'm going to continue to wait for a fully unlocked version with some sort of Free-H mode along with VR support. Both have to become available in time. Sure hoping so........
In the meantime keep up the amazing work, STN. Your efforts remain very much appreciated.
For those waiting for more stuffs, this weekend will be a busy one:
- Koikatsu RX1 (almost ready, need to tweak translations to work properly with BepIn5)
- Emotion Creators R3 (ready, gonna need to test it a bit more though)
- AI-shoujo R2 (ready, pending update of sideloader modpack and official Illusion update expected this weekend)
If you're interested in any of these, do keep an eye out this weekend :)
### jalk9999
You're having trouble with the registry. grab the registry fixer, place it anlong the game install you want to use, and run it. the vanilla launcher insists on pointing to whatever the registry points to, so that's that :)
### colonel30
the discord is a good place... ;-)
if you join my discord with the link in the torrent info, links to community discords for the different games I pack are in the about channel.
Don't forget to change your time & region to japan or u can use locale emulator , it works for me
@STN thank you for this , hehe .. can't wait for next Release ..
Comments - 49
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