[ScrewThisNoise] Emotion Creators (エモーション・クリエイターズ) BetterRepack R2.3

2019-07-06 10:48
File size:
4.1 GiB
Info hash:

BetterRepack R2.3

Release 2.3 // 07.07.2019

Updated in release 2.3 (this release)

–> Applied official update emocre_01_plus_oh0705drg_all
–> Applied emocre_dkn_02mo (Darkness pt 2)
–> Applied emocre_dkn_03pu (Darkness pt 3)
–> Restored vanilla uploader as default
–> Added optional international unofficial uploader
–> Updated Marcos ECABMX from v3.1 to v3.2.2
–> Updated Marcos ECAPI from v1.3.1 to v1.3.6.1
–> Updated Sideloader Modpack KK from 28.05.19 to 02.07.19 release

Anime-Sharing: http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/hentai-games-38/english-[illusion]-emotion-creators-エモーション・クリエイターズ-betterrepack-r2-3-a-840793
Hong-Fire: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/forum/online-resource-links/hentai-ddl-links/hentai-games-aa/6970863-illusion-emotioncreators-エモーション・クリエイターズ-betterrepackr2-3

Update from R2.2: https://mega.nz/#F!aOhXmQ7a!a2wd9nZ2rc0_LgHVmj5PYQ

If you want to get notified about new releases, feel free to join my notification discord: https://discord.gg/pSGZ4uz


I’d very much appreciate it if you would all think about supporting me on patreon, but keep in mind that I won’t paywall my packs, this is just for supporting me making my packs better :)

File list

  • [ScrewThisNoise] Emotion Creators BetterRepack R2.3.7z (4.1 GiB)

I still don’t for the life of me understand what this is or how to connect it to the base game. This seems to work by itself and features a small selection of scripted scenes but there’s no Free-H or VR mode. Is this just still extremely new to the point there just isn’t much content available yet? How do you take this and add it to the game, and why would you? I’m sorry but I just don’t know what this is, because it works without adding it to the full version of KK, but if that’s what you’re supposed to do in order to make full use of this, I don’t know what to do or how to do it. If it’s simple enough could you provide the steps? I’d really like to see what this is about. Especially in VR, if possible.

screwthisnoise (uploader)



This game is not a part of the Koikatsu game, if it were I’d bundle it into the Koikatsu packs in some manner, and not on its own like this.

Emotion Creators is a tool to create, and read already created, visual novels. It’s created using a newer version of the Unity engine, so it needs to be treated as a totally different game. So in most cases things will have to be ported manually between the two games if you want assets moved from or to Koikatsu. (Exception being sideloader clothing mods that seem to work pretty much the same in both games)

The one and only point of this game is to create small Visual Novels with your own characters, and let others play that, or just play stuff others’ve made.
There’s a lot of scenes for this game in my mega folder if you want to give some scenes a go.

If you’re still confused, I’d recommend you drop by the Koikatsu server over at https://universalhentai.com and ask there, I’m sure they’re gonna be able to explain it further :)

Excelent Job!, the bug in the scenes in the last one is gone.

Nincow - Emotion Creators is a different game with the same Koikatsu engine, is a spin off, if you want Koikatsu Screwthisnoise upload the last repack here: https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2748514

How to connet Network name dont work

screwthisnoise (uploader)



Read the readme you found the password in… The whole reason it has a password is due to the readme containing important information ?


Glad to hear it, do enjoy ?

Thanks again for the upload/Update! Im starting to prefer this one over Koikatsu actually. I understand that Koikatsu has the studio, but I never found out if you could have fully animated scenes in studio and if so it sounds really bothersome to do yourself or have the mods work.
Meanwhile EC has just about all the scenarios you can think of for you MC/OCs thanks to the community uploaded scenes.
I just wish EC had multiple clothing options per character.

im trying to downlade it with my Utorrent but it dosent work

screwthisnoise (uploader)



I think the both of these games have their place, and I am quite fond of the both of them :)


If you’re having problems grabbing it using torrents, there’s a direct DL using Gdrive at the anime-sharing and hongfire threads :)

@STN - Thank you for the explanation. Yes, I’d love to check out your scenes for EC. Could you direct me to your Mega?

By the way, are you at all familiar with Houkago Rinkan Chuudoku and Insult Order? I once got VR working for HRC but I had to reformat and was never able to figure it out again. And Insult Order looks beautiful but getting that up and running with the English translation and VR was a headache and I gave up. If you’d consider putting together a repack for one or both, I’d be more than willing to throw some cash your way. I’m not in a position to sign up for a monthly Patreon, but is there a way to make an individual payment / contribution as a show of support?

screwthisnoise (uploader)



It’s in the Anime-Sharing and HongFire threads:
(This is all stuff downloaded from Illusions japanese uploader)

I have taken note of your requests, but to be frank, I got my hands quite full with my current lineup, and I’ve started translating and cleaning up EC scenes that work badly with AutoTL, and that also has a toll on my spare time. I also have HoneySelect that needs to be completed, and PlayHome needing an update… And I have 3 one-off releases lined up… and looking into creating a mod…
For one person this is quite the workload besides the normal life stuff like work and relationships :P
So I will not promise anything at this point.

With regards to different payment methods… I’ll look into it, but currently I’m only accepting patreon, thanks a lot for your interest though =D

Thanks for the reply. You’re clearly swamped. No worries at all. At this point I’m mostly hoping for eventual VR implementation for Emotion Creators if that’s possible. Is that in the cards (so to speak) for a future release?I won’t hold my breath on my other requests given your work load. Keep up the excellent work. :)