[ScrewThisNoise][Illusion] RoomGirl (ROOMガール) BetterRepack R1.1

2022-10-01 21:42
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6.2 GiB
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BetterRepack R1.1

Links: https://dl.betterrepack.com/public/
(You can find direct downloads etc in here)

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I’d very much appreciate it if you would all think about supporting me on patreon, but keep in mind that I won’t paywall my packs, this is just for supporting me making my packs better :)

There is currently a direct download option exclusive to patreons, take a peek at [https://www.patreon.com/posts/trial-run-only-29049006] for more information. ~.~


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screwthisnoise (uploader)


This adds a speedup button, allowing the game to be played in x3 speed, highly recommended >.<
Also preorder costumes.

I tried converting HS2 and AIS characters data on R1, but it doesn’t seems to be working.(Considering this only had .1)
For starters to such information, I can only give out the [ 0000/0000 and full load ] without any sign of changing or heading to Title Screen,
Ofc, I can still just quit by using [ X ]; other than that, even I can’t tell what is it just yet .
Idk what chances for it to won’t work due to the ‘modded’ bones or anything…
Just in case, if anyone can help.

…So this game is basically “The Sims : ILLUSION EDITION”, I see.

The card may not work depends on the mod, costume, hairs or other details in the card.
Some of my card do just fine while some have no hair and costume.
Most body and face customize are ok.

…I wonder if we can have some tools that could [ Neutralize ] cards for this situation, then?

beside from how it completely lack of optimizing, all kind of restriction on how character can appear on the map, script and AI in this game make me headache. honestly i don’t under stand why they made the game with no MC ?!? and honestly is this game really finished ? it feel like an alpha version.

IMO this is Illusion “The Sims”

Btw STN posted an uncensor on Discord.

screwthisnoise (uploader)



If the card was made with a build using mods, it may or may not work… mostly the latter


Yeah, it’ll be included in the next pack, if anyone wants a go at it earlier, here ya go: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/989848227673161788/1026281887523672064/Roomgirl_Uncensor.zip
Uninstall Instructions in the zip.

To install just extract to the game folder

Thanks for the heads up.

Game followed “The Sims” in case if you never played [that EA game’s] before. They officially never had a concept of a “Protagonist” for the game. If anything, [you make the Protagonist], I mean, you can just control 1 character in there and make him/her to do tasks without bothering other characters at all…
Got nothing to do? Keep polishing the character’s skills; They’re tired? Make them sleep, or eat some food. Until the time changed its Phase. See? Simple.

Well, the [what-can-do] limits are indeed a problem though.
I’ve been trying to make F-A-T-E-F-U-L E-N-C-O-U-N-T-E-R of a JK and a Hikkikomori for quite awhile now, but never been working. x’D

@STN - Will this eventually have a Free-H mode and / or VR? And could you possibly reply to the questions I shared within the RX15 post?

Great work as always!

screwthisnoise (uploader)



It already has free H, but it needs to be unlocked. It’s unlocked simply by entering a H-scene in game. Quickest way I’ve found to activate it is by just having a girl masturbate at once when getting in control of her.

Illusion doesn’t seem to have said anything about VR though, so no idea.

i cant run this because my pc is 13 years old, is this game better or worse to honeyselect 1?

Better or worst, is for you to decide. For starters, I only tell you that it’s pretty much The Sims-like game, but the characters can’t be anything; they are fixed by roles.
For example, within a School there are 2 JKs, but there are no ‘Female Teachers’ option to be filled by a character, OTHER characters are all males, fixed by Principal, Teacher, and Janitor repectively. Funny, all OTHER characters(Males) is up to 3 people.
The game also randomly generate mob characters, either they’re going to be involved directly to Player Controlled Characters or not, I can’t tell just yet.
There are “basically no Protagonist” in this game, Main Characters are “All the girls”, male characters basically just additions. As I formerly mentioned, it’s “The Sims”, you control any characters you wished to control, up to certain extent.
Obviously, you can’t have houses or even build them… Yet.

PS: Futanari is official

Sooo, what’s the point of this one? Is there a goal? Its so easy to start just having sex. You “become friends” and then you can instantly start having sex…kind of quick and easy. Am i missing something here. Is there more to this game or is this it and we’re just waiting on the studio now?

@uglywolf thanks for the info, some say it looks like an alpha or a prototype of a game, I don’t seem to be missing much.

@uglywolf: mate, you can’t progress relationship with any girl because this game never need you to manage any routine or anything that make sense. all you need is “chat” perk. such as the janitor who work in the office and the casino manager. all you have to do is to chat with the girl try ask them to be your friend. yes it can be fail because RNG but for whoever have the chat skill the success rate is high (just keep spam it till it success). when you success make any girl be your friend. again with the OP chat perk you can have sex with them right away. and that where the game end. let’s say i already had sex with every girls in the game at every work place and their home since day one. at this point i think you can guess what kind of darkside or the hole of this game. when people with good chat get everything. people with poor chat perk will be the loser and virgin forever. such as the Otaku he doom to be virgin forever. nothing can change that at all even with the most expensive item in the game.

That is interesting, since I never say anything about “MAKING RELATIONSHIPS”.
What I meant earlier was that I never managed to get a character to talk to each other even when I put them on the same map.
So “fate encounter” are just a figure of speech. But yeah, did I missed some features to allow them to talk to characters from a different building?
I never able to get the option to regardless the map or the controlled character I was controlling still not have enough charisma level.

PS: This comment will be copied to R1.2