[ScrewThisNoise][Illusion] Koikatu! / Koikatsu! (コイカツ!) BetterRepack RX11

2021-08-14 23:24 UTC
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41.0 GiB
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![BetterRepack RX11](https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img922/9435/uUxC2l.png "BetterRepack RX11") ## This pack includes all available DLC (Preorder extras, Summer/personality expansion, Afterschool expansion and Darkness expansion) ### Translation improvements: A lot of translation improvements in this one. If you have yet to play the main game, or there have been a long time since you've done so, I highly recommend giving it another go at this point. The translation is miles better than it once were so do give it a shot, much more enjoyable with proper TL Links: https://dl.betterrepack.com/public/ (You can find updates etc in here) If you want to get notified about new releases, feel free to join my notification discord: https://discord.gg/pSGZ4uz ### Changelog: https://betterpaste.me/?0c446594abfa4072#AQU1rr9szr2Kc6w8iztVc7b12t7sPKQttWNsABjZ7sMH ### Patreon I'd very much appreciate it if you would all think about supporting me on patreon, but keep in mind that I won't paywall my packs, this is just for supporting me making my packs better :) There is currently a direct download option exclusive to patreons, take a peek at [https://www.patreon.com/posts/new-patreon-only-34099224] for more information. ~.~ ![Patreon](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/575260461579108352/576067606566666260/PatreonBanner.png "Patreon") [https://www.patreon.com/BetterRepack/] [https://subscribestar.adult/betterrepack]

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@STN - What are your thoughts on Sunshine? I haven't tried the character creator but I've heard mixed feedback. Is the creator a bit more robust? Does it come with a limited demo? Thanks again for another great release. I suppose once Sunshine is on the scene, support for KK will decline. Lastly, do you still have plans for an ultimate final release for the original Honey Select or Playhome?

screwthisnoise (uploader)

### nincow I am very hopeful about Sunshine. From the user perspective, the character maker looks and feels identical to the original koikatsu, so it feels a bit underwhelming. Under the hood though, the new engine may allow for more and better mods, so I fully welcome that. There is some problems with the hair shader I've gathered, though that's far beyond what I'm competent to discuss, so just repeating what I've heard about that. In any case, overall, I am very positive to Sunshine, and am looking forward to taking a look at it and start work =D about KK support, RX11 will likely be the last 'continual update' kinda deal. it will still be going, with updates when it makes sense, at least till January. I suspect support will have dropped to a level where even that doesn't make sense, and the original Koikatsu will be made a Museum repack, alongside HaremMate, PlayClub and co. That doesn't mean I'll never update it again after that point though, but it'll become super infrequent, and KKS will take over as the main anime repack. (Unless illusion really fucks up and somehow Koikatsu survives Koikatsu Sunshine... that would dumbfound me, but stranger things have happened. KKS seems to have everything going for it on paper at least) PlayHome is still a active pack with shit to do, so I do not have plans to change the status for that game at this point in time, though it requires a lot of work to update that pack, so need to cut out a substantial amount of time in my schedule everytime I upgrade that one. The Original HoneySelect is barely countable as a active pack at this time, the R0.5 release got a lot of pushback, and I am finding it hard to even get motivated to work on it. That being said, it will get a R1 release at some point, as a consequence of me needing to mess a lot with HS1 mods for the PH pack.
@screwthisnoise - Another awesome release as always! But I have question, when doing an mod update on your built in mod updater, its currently updating the "[katarsys] KPlug Animation Bundles 2.6.0.zipmod" and "[katarsys] KPlug Animations v1.2.1.zipmod". Both shows last date modified was 08/06/21 and the one its replacing has the same modified date. Also I did noticed that the file size is much more lower than the original. Is it okay to proceed with this update?

screwthisnoise (uploader)

### Jaffe26 Yes, it should be fine, that file got split up a bit into two files to make it unnecessary to update everything just to update a few lines of declarations (it has been updated several times with just a few silly lines in the manifest updated). So yeah, should be fine.
@STN - Thanks for the the reply! One last question. For HS and Playhome, certain positions and actions with smaller characters wouldn't work in releases from others, but your repacks solved that problem and everything scaled (oral scenes actually connected with mouths instead of going through foreheads or a foot about their heads, etc). I'm finding these issues have cropped up again within HS2 and KK. Is there no way get things to scale without raising the height of smaller characters?

screwthisnoise (uploader)

### nincow Quite frankly... have no idea. Don't really have any extreme size difference characters. Is this a problem that resurfaces in only the newest packs? if so, do you have example cards or scenes that I can use to test?
@screwthisnoise It's been a long time since I last played so I have a dumb question hehe. Can I use my saved data from your Koikatsu repack RX10.1? Which one should I move to and where? Thanks in advance, great job mate

screwthisnoise (uploader)

### MahoHacker02 yes, everything you make in this game (cards, saves, scenes, screenshots etc) are stored to /UserData/. so just copy what you want from the old install to the new. If you only want the savegame, just copy /UserData/Save over to the new one :)
Was it really necessary to add the white supremacist "queen of hearts" tattoos to the mod pack? Like I get that more variety is more variety and I'm used to seeing messed up customization options in hentai games, but still, this is a new low, who thought this was a good addition?