Community release by [#sadpanda on](
Includes releases **5801-5900**.
Information in the README. Read that [here](
For more info about these releases, and a whole lot more, [read this google document](
#### _**Support the artists and the western release. Subscribe to [FAKKU](**_

lol. An "anime boobies" conspiracy. Please try and hold onto reality Mr. schizo lunatic.
But the madman has a point. Too few uploads. That will change.
We're all curious. Do tell us why you're intentionally delaying these releases, instead of sperging out and calling everyone a schizo when they point out your preposterous delays.
The most logical assumption is that you and Fakku finally reached a compromise - they pay you for you to deliberately delay it.
This makes sense for several reasons, they obviously dislike what you're doing, they couldn't make an offer to make you stop but they managed to make an offer to make you delay it.
The second most logical assumption is that you're delaying it for trolling purposes.
these chapters were already uploaded on 2020-08-29 22:58 UTC by Lio-9500
fakku unlimited chapters up to 2021-03-17
older versions:
at least post something new
and stop renaming JPEG as PNG
@gipaf23445 Who is renaming jpeg as png? These rips are png and have been so from the beginning. The only pages that have some compression artifacts are colored pages since fakku doesn't save them losslessly.
did you check every single image? no
fakku 5701-5800/western
[Jackie Lesnick] The Pet Elf - Chapter
[Norasuko] Juri Yuri Yuri (FAKKU).zip
[Jackie Lesnick] Happy Dong -- grayscale jpeg renamed as png
all of them are on fakku in tags/free
most of images stored on fakku servers are scrambled but not all
colored pages are saved as jpeg (tbh can't check subscription content, but imagine paying for colored jpegs q75)
grayscale pages as png (not always, sometimes as jpeg)
the uploader rbot/neph/gevfxbi or whatever, downloaded original unscrambled jpeg file and then renamed it as png
I'll admit I was wrong in:
-at least post something new
rbot/neph/gevfxbi is the only uploader that included fakku free content in his batches (but with jpegs renamed as pngs)
Imagine be this angry because someone rename a jpeg to png, is not even a conversion is just a rename. I wish people would be like this on the JAV section of this tracker, maybe we would see more quality there!?
@Lodx Someone points out a technical error, which has nothing to do with you, and it somehow throws you into a raging frenzy mode and you say they're angry, what the fuck. I was going to ask what is wrong with you but you've already answered that with your projection, 4chan speech and shit grammar. Glad you're not and never will be in charge of anything significant.
@gipaf23445 They aren't renamed they are converted you simpleton. Depending on the usage PNG IE black and white line art or vector art files are smaller. Maybe check rbot2000's profile to see how long they've been doing this,
two of you keep complaining about free stuff
if your not going to download it. Then shut the fuck up
you clearly don't know the guy's works & contribution, yall complaining about this guy holding his uploads & his uploads are duplicate when your just leeching it for free
get your self a sub & make jewcobs wallet heavier.
also all of his uploads are optimized, you keep sucking up on Lio-9500 but rbot2000 uploads eats less storage than Lio. Plus it's sorted out neatly
so think again
As someone who regularly rips information from websites (nothing manga related though) I can totally understand these delays. Here are some of the reasons I can think of off the top of my head:
- You don't want to be noticed by the content provider. If it's a website with accounts and you just access literally all new content and every single upload/page/file (especially at unreasonable rates) you'll be suspicious. You have to use multiple accounts/wait a while to grab stuff/etc. You also don't want to use your real IP or credit card, but using a more secure process also means more work.
- Grabbing files from browser canvases or decrypting the real files are both viable and well known practices, but the devs just need to change some of the backend every now and then to screw with your ripping program enough which results in more annoying work.
- Even if you automate most of the process, you'll never be able to automate everything flawlessly. It will always need some manual work or maintenance and while it's fun at first to work on a new project, after doing this for a couple years you'll start to slack/get bored. Trust me.
So yeah, just my two cents.
Keep up the good work and, oh right, one last thing. Fuck Fakku.
@rbot2000 Thank you for your uploads as always. But I need to point out something. You have skipped these 7 doujinshis that are from the same author Michiking, that I have linked below. So could you please upload them? If you have already uploaded them, could you at least link them to me? I have searched in all the file lists of your torrents but I could not find them. So could you look into my request.?
1st is there (actually color short, not doujin):
and 2-7 are there:
@olev Thank you. BTW who is going to upload this?
Almost every new book by fakku is uploaded. Will it take sometime before it is uploaded?
@munchonspam They are renamed, idiot. The magic number for some "PNG" files in those zips are JPG.
@nonano Your first point is ridiculous and nonsensical, there is no reason for Fakku to ban someone for reading new comics because that would defeat the purpose of their subscription model and it would lead to a massive backlash that would drive down their sales. Your last two points are shit.
If you put my username into you'll get the proper name.
This as an overview from the spreadsheet in the torrent description.
In 2015 after Flaser's project failed, I made threads on /h/ about collection management. I posted it in every /a/ sadpanda thread at least once per thread. Initially, it didn't go over well. I founded #sadpanda. The name choice was entirely to use the branding and no other reason. I transferred ownership after a few months. I was only involved for ~1.5 years of the current ~5.5 years its existed.
The first significant batch ripper asked to be able to edit my spreadsheets, not that they ever did anything with access. They didn't last long. The first ripper did unscramble the images. Most of the rippers, though not most of the rips, did screen capture. During a period when there wasn't a ripper, rips someone else had done were repackaged as being the batch, in this case being from Tsumino. Eventually a consistent ripper was recruited. They explained their method in detail, but I've long since deleted the emails. It was complicated. This previous ripper would upload them to a filesharing service, they were png, and rbot would download, organize, optimize and then upload. I have no idea about the current situation as I stopped being involved entirely at the beginning of 2019.
I don't know what Neph is up to now. Their primary role was maintaining the spreadsheet after I built it up. Neph was certainly more committed then I was over the long term. I thank Neph for that. Eventually I removed their access, or otherwise Neph may still be updating it to this day, which I think would've been to their detriment.
nonano is correct as to why delays occurred back then. All the conspiracies about rbot2000 are just that.
If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask them, and I'll answer them in some way. Do note that I'll only be able to address historical questions.
@gevfxbi I would like to know how long the ripping actually took for you. Cause I made myself a little script and I could rip 100 chapters in about 1.5 hours and optimizing all of those with pngout took some 10 hours. I think that's somewhat reasonable for the ripping itself though I could probably speed it up a bit.
If I it wasn't clear, I never did any of the ripping myself. I don't know how long it took, there were several different rippers. I never asked how long it took any of them, because honestly I didn't care. It was their own decision to do it and they'd spend as long as took if they wanted to do it. How long it took you does seem entirely reasonable. I think there's a lot of people who do so, but almost no one shares them. Aside from recruiting and the somewhat related spreadsheet, I wasn't involved in general, and said so to everyone else at times.
On a different note two rippers told me that the had been banned for ripping, but never explained how they were found out, if they even knew. The owner of Fakku knew of various groups for a long time before anything was against them. He isn't anywhere as bad as most here and elsewhere make him out to be. Yes, I know how that sounds and I don't care. I've never personally had anything against them. It's been several years since I last did, but I've talked with the owner, daiz, and various others related to Fakku more than once.
Yes, yes, it is, maybe rbot will speed up as stated. Honestly, I wouldn't care if rbot stopped entirely.
Another thing. I tried using zopflipng and from what I´ve tested the compression is a few percent better than pngout while taking less than half as long for me. I don´t think rbot is gonna switch to it but maybe anyone else wants to use it.
Comments - 34
rbot2000 (uploader)