Kara no Shoujo - FULL VOICE HD SIZE EDITION / 殻ノ少女《 FULL VOICE HD SIZE EDITION 》 [English Patched]

2020-07-06 21:44
File size:
3.8 GiB
Info hash:

alt text

Title: Kara no Shoujo
Original Title: 殻ノ少女
Length: Medium (10 - 30 hours)
Year: Japan 2008-07-04, English Version 2011-06-29, FULL VOICE HD SIZE EDITION 2019-12-20, Patch v1.04 2020-07-06
Developer: Innocent Grey
Publishers: Innocent Grey
Language: English
Voice: Japanese
Related Anime: AniDB
Uncensored/No Mosaics
Translation: MangaGamer(everything except prologue, interludes and a few new text lines)
Prologue translation and Patch: Oneline(incl. all untranslated content)

alt text


  1. You’ll probably need to change system locale to Japanese(not tested on another system locale), then install NotoSans-Regular.ttf and run Launcher.exe to avoid text issues.

  2. The patch ports the translation from the English Voiced Edition by MangaGamer to the FULL VOICE HD SIZE EDITION.

  3. Patch highlights:

  • transfers translated text from the official english release (all 537 scripts, incl. character names and choices);
  • translates UI (menus, dates, chapters, places, notebook, map, relations, etc);
  • fixes text output in NVL sections (vertical, right to left -> horizontal, top to bottom);
  • fixes text alignment in choices;
  • translates prologue (also known as japanese trial version);
  • translates new text (interludes, crime scene intros, misc).
    Source: Oneline
  1. Partial list of changes in comparison with original release:
  • CGs redrawn in 720p with better lighting and anatomy (+ added some new ones);
  • new opening;
  • voiced protagonist;
  • jump to choice option;
  • investigate crime scenes as long as you need;
  • extras now has ending list.
    Source: Oneline
  1. Known Issues
  • “The game looks blurry in fullscreen mode [critical] - To fix that, change desktop resolution to 1280x720 and check free aspect ratio in the game options.”
  • “Opening doesn’t play after prologue [critical] - If you have LAV Filters installed, try resetting settings or uninstalling it. This can be the reason.”
  • “Takashiro hospital becomes Takanari after loading save file with map section [minor] - No solution”
  • “Screen is not fully dimmed, when “end investigation” dialog appears [minor] - No solution”
  • "Some very long sentences are splitted [not a bug] - Making a font even smaller is not an option. Using 4 lines with current size won’t be enough and will look ugly
    I suggest you checking voice continues after advancing in the game options."
    Source: Oneline


Screenshots from the Japanese HD version:

File list

    • Plugin
      • D3D9Font.dll (76.0 KiB)
      • D3D9Layer.dll (93.0 KiB)
      • Himorogi.dll (327.5 KiB)
      • Movie.dll (143.5 KiB)
      • Script.dll (499.5 KiB)
      • Sound.dll (296.0 KiB)
    • CustomFont.dll (93.5 KiB)
    • DSETUP.DLL (61.5 KiB)
    • DSETUP32.DLL (2.1 MiB)
    • Launcher.exe (183.5 KiB)
    • NotoSans-Regular.ttf (389.6 KiB)
    • bgimage.iga (1.3 GiB)
    • bgm.iga (89.5 MiB)
    • fgimage.iga (316.0 MiB)
    • readme.txt (3.1 KiB)
    • script.iga (2.6 MiB)
    • se.iga (18.5 MiB)
    • system.iga (84.1 MiB)
    • usersupport.txt (941 Bytes)
    • video.iga (134.3 MiB)
    • voice.iga (1.9 GiB)
    • 殻ノ少女 HD.exe (247.0 KiB)
    • 殻ノ少女HD_プレイングマニュアル.pdf (48.9 MiB)

Godlike work!! Will you be doing the 2nd one as well??

Thank You!!! :D

An amazing visual novel…
Thanks for the upload.

the outcome of the story lies in your hands

doesn’t this game only have bad ending? such a lie

Some endings are bad, some are worse. This series is well written as opposed to most VNs which seem to be written by and for 12 year old’s. But it is definitely for fans of gore.

Wait, What the fuck? It seems the game is getting a "“New Cast Remaster Edition”



So it will have a new voices for the characters or just rerecording with the same voices?

Will they be doing the same thing for the 2nd game? I feel they are doing this in preparation with the 3rd and final one.

Okay I was getting confuse, but it seems this will clear things up.

The HD Voiced Edition (this one) was release last year December 2019.


It seems they had a recast of the protagonist (No more Suwabe Juunichi) due to problems in schedule.


The New Cast Remaster Edition that I posted above is actually for the 2nd game, which I’m assuming is using the new voice casts from the 1st game HD edition. So pretty much they did rerecord both 1st and 2nd games in preparation for the 3rd game. I read some of the VA from the games have simply retired or move on, so maybe that’s why they are doing a remaster cast.

Also helps how the 3rd game is coming along soon. So They probably could not get the old cast back on the 3rd game.

In any case, the 2nd game with the new Remaster Cast is coming in 8.28 which uses the new cast from this HD Edition.

Whew, that was a mouthful, but it shows that the 3rd game is coming along nicely!

Okay, the more I look at it. It seems they’re are untranslated lines, since they’re maybe new for the HD edition?

“Translation: MangaGamer(everything except prologue, interludes and a few new text lines)”

I hope you can do the 2nd game as well which is coming in 8.28 as “New Cast Remaster Edition”.

Even if it’s similar to the 1st HD edition whcih had untranslated lines due to the new scenes etc.

Would love to compare both voices with the original and new remaster voices!

is it just me or is the translation actual garbage in this

no but seriously what the fuck
https://puu.sh/G5c6Y/d3f5bb2f1c.png (not even spoilers, this is literally just the beginning and it’s already this shitty)

huh…its that bad?
i remember playin the original which wasnt this bad.

superelmo (uploader)


Probably part of the new fan translated content. If you didn’t read the description, this is the official MangaGamer translation ported to the FULL VOICE HD SIZE EDITION. Only the new content is fan translated, like prologue, interlude, etc…

“Translation: MangaGamer(everything except prologue, interludes and a few new text lines)”
“Prologue translation and Patch: Oneline(incl. all untranslated content)”

my window security detect a Trojan file name “Launcher”.

superelmo (uploader)


You should probably update: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/936847506705248e49ca3a73ab7d325109ba75c4b8713d16e6e868206bb908a5/detection - clean according to Microsoft. …or your PC was probably already infected?.. You need the Launcher. It makes the game recognize the font. Otherwise parts of text will disappear.

As Microsoft Detours can be used for malicious purposes too i see a reason why some AV would flag it. No need to be afraid afaik. This use is probably legitimate (hooking game stuff).

Is there a way to fix text being abruptly cut off at in the middle of the sentences at the edge of text boxes?
for example, here.
If there isn’t a solution, that’s somewhat alright, because i remember the gist of most of this game, but it is a bit irritating, and happens quite often.

superelmo (uploader)


totenchan, yes, from the description: “install NotoSans-Regular.ttf and run Launcher.exe to avoid text issues.”. Unless your antivirus blocks the Launcher, then you’ll need to add it as exclusion.

Thanks, sorry for the dumb question.

Any chance of releasing the 2nd game’s HD version like this aswell?

Any plans for making the 2nd game?
Heard there was an English patch released today

having the same problem as totenchan, is there any way to fix the text being cut off? i’ve installed the font included and ran the launcher several times, the launcher doesn’t seem to do anything and every time i re-open the game the problem isn’t fixed even after i’ve deleted the previous save

superelmo (uploader)


chaoticavenger, most likely your antivirus program is blocking the launcher from starting the game(https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/3065899#com-15). The Launcher starts the game, if you can’t start the game with the Launcher, the text will be cut off. There’s a newer version of the patch on their Discord channel that doesn’t use a Launcher. You can find the discord link here: https://imgur.com/a/MNwpjHU

Looking at the screenshots people have posted, the English translation is brutal. The grammar is on an elementary school academic level. What a shame.

Example, what @totenchan posted. “In addition, talented herself and even writes short stories for magazines.” sighs