[ScrewThisNoise][Illusion] AI-Shoujo / AI-Girl (AI*少女) BetterRepack R4.1

2020-04-27 08:27
File size:
41.7 GiB
Info hash:

BetterRepack R4.1

Release 4.1 // 26.04.2020

Some words

Friday, 17.04, Mega discontinued service for a lot of accounts associated with Koikatsu, HoneySelect and AI Shoujo. Though one of my accounts survived, I have cancelled the premium sub and discontinued use of Megas service. As such I’ve rented serverspace to accomendate mod updates. I ask that everyone that supports mega re-evaluate that action.
I am now hosting the sideloader modpack for both AI Shoujo and Koikatsu. For more information, see: https://www.patreon.com/posts/recap-sideloader-36169293.


As of R2.3 you can update the sideloader modpack (clothing mods etc) from the launcher. Just press the icon in the lower left corner of the launcher with the arrow to check for updates. I’m updating that more often than the main pack, so should get some updates there every so often ;)

Links: https://ai-syoujyo.com/public/
(You can find updates etc in here)

If you want to get notified about new releases, feel free to join my notification discord: https://discord.gg/pSGZ4uz


  • Applied compression to base game, saving about 7GB post extraction (Only for full pack download)
  • Generated thumbnails for studio items
  • Added Steam translations as default translation
  • Added optional Steam translations that keeps the fantranslations for character creator (BRExtras)
  • Updated AI_TextResourceRedirector to v1.2.0
  • Updated HarmonyX to Beta 2
  • Updated IllusionFixes AIGirl to v1.12
  • Updated XUnity.AutoTranslator to v4.11.1
  • Updated Craft6’s AIVMDPLAY to v0.5.2
  • Updated Joan6694’s AIPE to v2.11.0
  • Updated KKY’s AI_ColorPanelX v1.1.0
  • Updated Marco’s AI_HeightBar to v3.3
  • Updated Marco’s AIABMX v4.1
  • Updated Marco’s AIAPI to v1.10
  • Updated Marco’s KKManager to v0.9.3
  • Updated Marco’s FPS Counter to v3.0
  • Updated Mikke, KKY and Haruhi’s GravureAI
  • Updated Roy12’s AI_PVCollider 0.2 (Optional mod)
  • Added DeathWeasel’s AI_Colliders v1.1
  • Added DeathWeasel’s PoseQuickLoad v1.0
  • Added Marco’s AI_CheatTools v2.7
  • Added Ore’s AI_MultiAngleRotation
  • Added Ore’s AIGraphics v0.2.0
  • Added ddaa33’s Pregnancy (ShapeKeyPlugin) Beta as optional
  • Added Rocky’s Gifplane v0 as optional
  • Removed Hooh’s Heelz due to incompitabilities
  • Removed dependencies towards Mega
  • Added AIGraphics preset:
    Bubba’s AIGraphics preset


I’d very much appreciate it if you would all think about supporting me on patreon, but keep in mind that I won’t paywall my packs, this is just for supporting me making my packs better :)

There is currently a direct download option exclusive to patreons, take a peek at [https://www.patreon.com/posts/trial-run-only-29049006] for more information. ~.~


File list

The color adjustment shade doesn’t work anymore, after i update to joan 4.1 version.

screwthisnoise (uploader)



What exactly isn’t working? Tried running around the game changing colors wherever I see any color adjustment options… everything seems to be working fine?

This might be a dumb question but how complete are the translations? Is everything translated like including dialogue or is it just UI elements? Is there any benefit to the Steam version in this regard?

screwthisnoise (uploader)



Translation is close to 100%
Only missing stuff at this point is mods that continually get made, some in japanese and chinese (clothing names and such)

so what about the h-scene sub if it’s okay with you and if you have time

Does this game run real bad for anyone else? i can run any other pc game but this one, yikes, lol.

Screwthisnoise , About the color adjustment not working, it was because AI Graphics was activated. It was my ignorance. Everything is working fine. : )

Don’t know where to put this so I’ll leave this here hoping it’s seen. I tried the Discord link in the initsetting but since I never use Discord I found myself lost and decided to try here.

Great stuff screwthisnoise, I can’t imagine the repack scene without your work.
Minor issue: I ran into a hard to replicate bug that’s happened a few times where when you go to save your character the mouth and eye options don’t change no matter which one you toggle to.

More importantly, and why I decided to post. I ran into an issue with the latest updates. While this torrent on its own and the sideloader content is fine, something from the official update (2905) and possibly the preorder content messed things up. Loading scenes causes the scene to choose one of the default maps. More alarming was the sudden inability to save scenes. The button responds but doesn’t do anything. Perhaps the framework mods are out of date?

in either case, I just unpacked a fresh 4.1 and dropped my UserData, DHH presets, mods folder, and everything is back to normal. I won’t be touching any updates for a while except tested sideloader content.