Aokana - Four Rhythms Across the Blue / Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm / 蒼の彼方のフォーリズム [English, Japanese, Chinese, Adult Version]

2019-09-27 21:56 UTC
File size:
9.5 GiB
Info hash:
![alt text]( **Title**: Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm **Original title**: 蒼の彼方のフォーリズム **Length**: Long (30 - 50 hours) **Year**: Japan 2014-11-28, English Version 2019-09-27 **Developer**: sprite **Publisher**: NekoNyan, Hikari Field **Language**: English, Japanese, Chinese **Voice**: Japanese **Related Anime**: [AniDB]( **Description**: ![alt text]( Source: [NekoNyan](, [JAST USA]( & [MangaGamer]( **Important**: 1. No need to install. **!!!** If you're using Windows Defender add steam_api.dll as exception. This is the crack. **!!!** Patch v1.01 is already applied. Alt link for Aokana patch 1.21(no need to install): **!!!** Supports Resolutions upto 2K **Screenshots**: ![alt text]( ![alt text]( ![alt text](

File list

  • Aokana - Four Rhythms Across the Blue
    • Aokana_Data
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      • Plugins
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        • steam_api.dll (1.1 MiB)
        • steam_api.ini (2.2 KiB)
      • Resources
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      • StreamingAssets
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      • (19 Bytes)
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    • Aokana.exe (623.0 KiB)
    • UnityCrashHandler32.exe (1.2 MiB)
    • UnityPlayer.dll (17.1 MiB)
@AdmiralKanna Sukebei Nyaa is only for +18 stuff, also read the title: "[English, Japanese, Chinese, Adult Version]" ^(person deleted the post but i'll keep it as a record in case someone has the same question) Thanks as always superelmo!
Great visual novel getting out here . Too bad I have other things to read.first.
Hell yeah! Thanks!
Probably because there's no screenshots suggesting Adult Version, cause I kinda skipped the title too. Haha. This one is heavy VN I see, 9.5GB. Gonna archive this for maybe future read. Thanks for the upload, superelmo. EDIT: Also realized that it was made with Unity. xD
Hey there I just finished downloading and my game doesn’t want to start, I get a white screen saying that it’s starting...then it just disappears. I added the steam api file to windows defender exclusions, like you posted up top. Any idea how to fix?
Nekonyan published games always have a great regional pricing so i bought it this time on steam. Too bad sprite is dead before this got released.

superelmo (uploader)

ryuuzoushu: Yup, they ported it to Unity. Probably the main reason was to make the resolution up to 2560x1440. The original engine was BGI/Ethornell and the resolution was 1280x720. ...and that's why the bigger size in the English version. AaronDee: I thought that was going to be enough to make it work, but I could be wrong. The way you describe it is like you're trying to start the VN without the crack file. It's probably still blocked by your anti virus program. Try to disable Windows Defender, Force Re-Check the torrent and then start the game. It was literally the only engine on VirusTotal that detected the crack as a threat.
Force recheck the torrent and made the entire game folder not read only, it’s working IM SO HAPPY thanks superelmo:)
Everything is an exception and I made it not read only...still crashes.
Had the cash for a change! Bought this one outright.
Already, huh? I'm a bit hesitant to actually play this cause, you know, sprite doesn't have the best track record (one other game that was meh at best) So I was really surprised to see how many people were looking forward to it.
The anime wasn't really good. Hope this won't disappoint.
Thanks for the upload Will you update this torrent when they release the Perfect Edition patch?
Anyone else's videos not playing properly? Only a black screen or sometimes get stuck on the current CG.

superelmo (uploader)

Chiakinee: Try installing K-Lite Mega Codec Pack.
I've been waiting 4 years to play this damn game because I'm a monolingual autist
According to this: There's a patch which fixes the "text border" option. Does somebody have it? I really like to read with 0% opacity on the text box, but the font used by default in Aokana is not good for that.
AT LAST! Thank you very much.
Update: I tried the patch 1.1 from the NekoNyan page and it seems like it does not apply to this version. It still says 1.0 at the main screen.
Ah hell yes! Been waiting on this for years! Looks like I gotta put Onii-Kiss on hold and play this asap. Too bad the EXTRA1 wasn't included too. Thanks superelmo. >CakedEden The anime wasn’t really good. Hope this won’t disappoint. The anime wasn't good to you. It was to me.

superelmo (uploader)

Patch v1.02: - “It fixes various visual and audio bugs as well as some UI issues.” - “We also fixed the issue where the game would only start with a black screen.” - Text Border should work after applying the new patch. No need to install link for patch v1.02: - extract and replace in the game folder. Patch 1.2/1.02 still applies to this version, but it's not saying v1.02 on the main menu cos of the adult patch(adult.dat - 164.8 MiB).
@superimo thanks for the patch. Confirmed, it works. Thanks, I love reading VNs with text box at 0% opacity and letters highlighted.
@noZA_ Anime was not good to me either. I am really happy this managed to get translated. I will very much enjoy being able to read the full story as apart to a small snippet depicted in the anime. But, to each his own :3
^ You guys and your taste, smh (ノ´ヘ`)ノ⌒*
Thanks much for this!
tried an update all i get is a white window then it crashes.


Anime was good to me

superelmo (uploader)

Periah250, check this: It's a solution for a black screen issue, but I know it also helped solve the "White screen on launch then crashes" for some users.
No luck there. I installed c++ 2017 2015 and 2019 redist and it still has the same crashes redownloaded the game, it works now much obliged superelmo-sama!
Hi, Someone already reached the choices for personal route? because to me Asuka route’s choise doesn’t appear (the others yes) so if someone could tell me when Asuka’s choise appear? Thanks
I also have the same problem videos not playing properly even tho i already installed K-Lite Mega Codec Pack and all vcredist. Still no luck :(
Never Mind...I find it

superelmo (uploader)

Patch v1.03: - It fixes various visual issues and bugs concerning some resolution settings as well as some UI issues. - It also fixes numerous gallery bugs.
@superelmo can I go directly to 1.03? Since I haven't dl-ed the 1.02 uh, after saw the filesize, I think no XP
Is it normal for windows security to detect a trojan from "file: D:\Program Files (x86)\Aokana - Four Rhythms Across the Blue\Aokana_Data\Plugins\steam_api.dll"?
@noZA_ I mean it was more of a sports anime than what I thought of it as romance anime. My bad on basing it there. I rewatched the anime as soon as I finished reading this. It was wrapped up neatly focusing on Asuka. So I learned to appreciate the anime even more. Thanks for the Patch @superelmo!! I needed that for my UI issues on the Extras menu.

superelmo (uploader)

RinzImpulse, sorry, I thought it's logical since you can't download the previous patches from their official site anymore. You don't need to apply older patches. Only the one uploaded here: It will replace the old patch files if you already applied v1.01 or v1.02. Same with patch v1.02. Pikachu9001, read the description.
does the perfect edition contain any story-important elements? is it fine to read this one and not wait for the perfect edition?
Just to confirm. This is the Steam version (Skidrow) with the adult DLC applied, correct? @NekoNyanSoft Tweets said something about not applying the 1.03 patch to Steam versions. - Thank you very much for the share, I always trust your torrents.

superelmo (uploader)

This site is only for 18+ content. I can't upload it here if it's not the 18+ version. The answer to the question is in the title of the torrent. They said that for people who bought the VN on Steam, cos it gets updated automatically for them. Patch v1.04: - Fixed various rotations and animations of characters - Fixed various effects and transitions - Fixed some minor bugs - Added more visual improvements
Yo. Just came in to say thanks for the upload. Also, that "!!! Patch v1.1 is already applied." in the description is quite misleading (untrue, even lol). You can get it at the place supereImo already linked a couple of times (in the above post too), and it applies onto this version just fine and makes it v1.1 (yeah, also in the main menu xD). So try applying it if you still have problems after already trying everything mentioned here. Maybe it will help.

superelmo (uploader)

Yep, I probably missed the "0" back then. It's actually "Patch v1.01 is already applied." Patch v1.1: Alt link(no need to install): - Added Voice line Bookmarks - Added asset prefetch for a better reading experience - Added multithreading - Added various performance improvements - Fixed several bugs and typos
Perfection Edition scenes patch (1.21): Source:

superelmo (uploader)

Alt link for Aokana patch 1.21(no need to install): - Adds the additional scenes ("a couple of extra scenes (and H-scenes) with Misaki") from the Perfect Edition - Small gallery bug fix
Does the last patch contain all previous patches? Or is it necessary to apply all the patches one by one?
@lucascba93 just latest

superelmo (uploader)

lucascba93, patch v1.21 contains all fixes and improvements from previous patches. I tested it just in case. Even if you apply old patches, patch v1.21 will overwrite the files. That's why they don't keep the old patches on their site.
Thank you for the answer, both of you!
does the latest patch already in the torrent?

superelmo (uploader)

Excuse me. I patched it with latest patch 1.21, and I got Misaki's extra scene 1. When I looked into the gallery, there should be 3 extra scene. I replayed Misaki's route twice and the extra scenes didn't come up. When I looked up to the internet, it was Misaki's with yukata. Is it a bug?

superelmo (uploader)

That was posted by the publisher: "the Perfect Edition Patch includes 2 extra Misaki H-scenes. Once in her route, and one in the replay menu after you complete her route."
Anyone else also experiencing a bug where the characters don't have a face at certain points? How to fix?
If you are going to install it on Linux, install Wine, create new prefix and then install this for your newly created Wine prefix: ```git clone && WINEPREFIX=~/.wineaokana/ bash ./mf-install/``` ^ make sure you have git installed on your system too, you already know how to use your package manager ;) Also set up virtual desktop in wine too, otherwise the game will lose cursor focus and you won't be able to control the game anymore. You can do that by ```WINEPREFIX=~/.wineaokana winecfg``` I also suggest you create a launch script for the game. ```echo WINEPREFIX=~/.wineaokana wine ./Aokana.exe > && chmod 755 ./```