Title: Dies irae
Original title: ディエス・イレ
Length: Very long (> 50 hours)
Year: Japan 2007-12-21, ~Acta est Fabula~ 2009-12-25, ~Amantes amentes~ 2012-06-28; English Version ~Amantes amentes~ 2017-06-01, ~Acta est Fabula~ 2017-12-15
Developer: light
Publishers: Views Co., Ltd
Language: English
Voice: Japanese
Related Anime: AniDB
Uncensored/No Mosaics
Source: Mangagamer
No need to install.
This consist of both versions of Dies irae:
Comments - 22
Superelmo’s Redemption !!!
thanks for upload.
thanks for this
I suggest you not recommend that walkthrough guide as it is completely inaccurate and useless, many choices do not show up and there are choices that do that aren’t listed in the walkthrough guide, the author of that guide needs to take it down or make some major corrections.
Neither of those choices ever showed up, the choice I stopped on yesterday has to do with Ren carrying Kasumi on his back and the choice options are not in the walkthrough guide.
Choices I came across:
…a woman who meant a lot to me.
…like family.
This isn’t in the walkthrough guide at all.
Choices that don’t show up are: 1, 3, 4, 6, 12 and 13. Choices 7-11 do show up.
I’ve contacted the author to the walkthrough guide and he will look into it, his walkthrough guide is no doubt only for the all-ages version not the DX Package.
The author updated the walkthrough guide with more information regarding the DX Package, the Adult version reinforces the route order like it did with the Japanese release.
"the All-ages version throw away the unlockable choices stuff and the 18+ re-adds it, the choices you mentioned are unavailable since they directly lead to Rea’s route (which is the locked one)."
superelmo (uploader)
Good, we have walkthrough for both versions now. He still didn’t fix the missing choice, though. I’ll post it in the description.
Since the walkthrough guide hasn’t been locked yet I told him the missing choice and the choices I found above as well.
Rea’s route has been updated to include the missing choice and the H-scene choice has been added for Kasumi’s route.
still about this walkthrough , If you play Rea Route and choose ‘‘Look for Rusalka’’ and ‘‘Trust Rusalka’’ you will miss some H-scenes with Himuro Rea, and won’t be able to reach Ending II(?) , the last choices of the walkthrough will not appear. I’m playing Acta est Fabula!
Maybe Rea Route have only 1 ending in Acta est fabula , I’m not sure anymore …
Is there any difference between this release compared to the one from 24 days ago? One is Steam Edition and the other standalone?
superelmo (uploader)
Yes, I forgot to remove the old one. This here is the DRM free release(different exe files). The other one includes Steam cracks. Some people say that the game lags cos of the cracks(It’s not like that for everyone though). Other than that, it’s absolutely the same.
Ok, thank you.
@Morningstar The Walkthrough Guide doesn’t have a lot of the H-Scene choices yet (I’ve only got him to add the one for Kasumi’s route since that is as far as I’ve gotten), once I actually get through the entire visual novel I will be letting the author of the Walkthrough Guide know about the extra choices, only then will it get updated.
Of course if anyone knows what those choices are they are welcome to tell the author in this post.
Choices he has listed in Italic are choices that don’t appear at all on the 18+ version, they do appear on the all-ages version.
All routes are unlocked in the all-ages version (Rea’s route is locked in the 18+ version requiring you to finish Marie’s route) and Rea still has two endings, the walkthrough guide mostly follows the all-ages version.
superelmo (uploader)
Dies irae ~Amantes amentes~ 4:3 Resolution Patch: https://vndb.org/r59864
Tested and working with this version.
Just paste the two files in the game directory and start malie_dsp.exe.
I’m trying to use the patch but it’s not working for me. I try using the malie_dsp.exe but nothing happens. The regular exe works fine. Any idea on how to fix this?
superelmo (uploader)
Try run as admin or move the game folder to another location. It is possible that you have user restrictions on the new exe file. After applying the patch(malie_dsp.exe and data5.dat) you’ll have 15 files in the game folder(in case you’re missing a file).
Looks great!!
Does anyone know how to get Rea Ending 2?
How do I change the directory of the game’s save files? The save folder’s name contains irregular characters preventing OneDrive from syncing the folder.
superelmo (uploader)
Not sure it’s possible to change the save files directory. Just download the game on your hard drive and you should not have problems saving.