Halo121, you don’t need Director’s Cut DLC for this version (it’s for Steam only), cause this version already uncensored. And you can freely download 1.03 patch from JAST site.
Even though it is true you don’t need the dlc for this release does any one know of a good place to find the patch for the steam version? I have both this version and the steam and would much appreciate if someone could direct me to a place to get the directors dlc.
Dragonolgy, you don’t need DLC if you want to uncensor your Steam version. One of the reasons is that JAST didn’t fixed missing gallery button bug yet, though you can find a solution for it at Steam discussions from a some russian guy. Here is a step-by-step instruction:
First of all, rename this torrent folder to just “EIYU”. If you don’t do that, you’ll get an error message when you’ll try to run a patch.
Get 1.03 patch from JAST site (you don’t need 1.02 from here), copy it to this torrent folder, and run it.
Install Steam version, if you haven’t done it yet.
Now, all you need is just to copy 6 files from this torrent to Steam game folder, but you can just copy 3 torrent’s folders (AUEvent, AUGame, AUSysMain) to Steam, overwriting it’s files. It’s up to you.
6 files list:
If you’ll do exactly like I said, you’ll uncensor your Steam game and you’ll get gallery button back, without any additional workarounds.
Comments - 7
is this like a official release for the western market? as in its basicly https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2376686 but with western locale?
update please dlc
Halo121, you don’t need Director’s Cut DLC for this version (it’s for Steam only), cause this version already uncensored. And you can freely download 1.03 patch from JAST site.
Even though it is true you don’t need the dlc for this release does any one know of a good place to find the patch for the steam version? I have both this version and the steam and would much appreciate if someone could direct me to a place to get the directors dlc.
Dragonolgy, you don’t need DLC if you want to uncensor your Steam version. One of the reasons is that JAST didn’t fixed missing gallery button bug yet, though you can find a solution for it at Steam discussions from a some russian guy. Here is a step-by-step instruction:
6 files list:
If you’ll do exactly like I said, you’ll uncensor your Steam game and you’ll get gallery button back, without any additional workarounds.
Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it! Worked perfectly!
oh I don’t know about that thank you @Nikai-san