[Minazuki] Mikka_Fuck-or-Die_2 x3200 [Fakku & Irodori Comics]

2020-11-09 21:24 UTC
No information.
File size:
185.1 MiB
Info hash:
Want to help? Please consider sending $1 or more to this Monero address. We'll use every penny to buy and share everything from Fakku. We can buy and share more of this if we receive help from more people. One dollar or more will make a huge difference. Monero address: **42UBNZGitirdmSfvkkLAyp34ju5f4JXmjJXHzPnpWBgXhjjvDZxmke66qjRND8fxex4ig12AKRszz3wY2M4XNc4i8ahMr7d** [Or scan this QR code if you don't want to copy paste that address.](https://files.catbox.moe/wtekxl.png) Don't have Monero? Use MorphToken or any other crypto swap service. **Always send Monero from your wallet**, and never from any exchange site. The address is valid and will be automatically edited out of this description if I haven't touched my phone for more than 2 days. **@the_miscreant** You've sent an amount to that address? Doubt it, because I've only received an amount from people who contacted me, and you're not one of them because I asked them about you and they think you're a pesky little troll. You're either lying, or you've sent to the wrong address. Which is it? Every XMR transaction can be proven, do it: https://www.exploremonero.com/ Don't forget to post the link to your proof or receipt (here's an example: https://www.exploremonero.com/receipt/5bd6dda87d9554871c9269c077b33ef1ae171466f0dfecc8890d310ce1c16156/44AFFq5kSiGBoZ4NMDwYtN18obc8AemS33DBLWs3H7otXft3XjrpDtQGv7SqSsaBYBb98uNbr2VBBEt7f2wfn3RVGQBEP3A/a6359d539dc4b9dab7180f27d65dda445055c6164a5ffdea7348ec5da44c0b0d).

File list

  • Minazuki_Mikka_Fuck-or-Die_2.cbz (185.1 MiB)
Damn whats up with this torrent? 0 Completions still
Can't download! After 4 seconds stops and then doesn't start again in half an hour. Trying since the upload.
that amount of leechers. lmao. Somebody's been farming crypto real hard.
@oneloliman downloading a torrent is farming crypto? first time I've read something so blatantly false and idiotic, congrats I guess?
I sent money to that monero address, but what's the point of me donating if the torrent does not complete... and who's taking the money: the guy that uploads the torrent or the guys that actually bought the comic from F@kku??
Gotta love how the uploader responded to the guy who said he paid the money, but not on how the torrent is stuck for 3 days and that it can't be completed for some reason... There are 320 peers for fucks sake and only 5 seeders. By the size of the file, even 1 seeder would be fine to give the file to others How bout you upload file to some mediafire/mega/anonshare or some other decent upload service and let the other people upload torrent, if you're having trouble with seeding 185Mb file
@kitsame Gotta love how you’re such a disgusting Karen. That guy above your comment didn’t pay for anything because he’s lying. How bout you shut the fuck up and stop demanding for free stuff on a silver plate. You're getting this for free by the uploader and other people, and you still whine and beg for more free shit. What the fuck is wrong with your head? The torrent isn’t stuck at all, there are 100+ seeders and it’s slowly going up. @the_miscreant Yeah fucking right hahaha, you’re a terrible liar. Post the transaction id and key if you’re not lying.
@Ultimaonlinefaglord Saying that the torrent is botched = Karen? I really admire your leap in logic, you should try the Olympics, you would surely earn the gold. "The torrent isn’t stuck at all, there are 100+ seeders and it’s slowly going up." Since you don't know the difference between seeders, leechers and peers let me educate your retarded being. SEEDER= person who has/downloaded WHOLE THING and wants to share it further. LEECHER = person who is in the middle of the download, DOESN'T HAVE THE WHOLE THING PEER = person who, basically a leecher, DOESN'T HAVE THE WHOLE THING but has some part of it and can share it. In this case you have 4 seeders, and 313 leechers/peers who are currently STUCK on a download since the torrent is botched... also you can check the damn number on this page, it's literally on the top. Also, number of seeders is dropping, it was 5 seeders 4h ago, now it's 4. Also seeing that the number of COMPLETED is currently at 0, I'm really interested how you came at such conclusion? Maybe you pulled that info from your ass? I really don't care who paid, or who lied, it doesn't interest me. I also don't care if you're OP, or some retarded friend of his. What I'm interested is, when will the torrent get fixed. Now, before you write your "ad hominems", "strawmans" and "goalposts" let me tell you that I won't be reading comments on this torrent anymore, but you're not interested in that, since you're gonna write some retarded response anyway, where "We're demanding stuff for free and we have no right to complain and how the guy who gave money lied and how the torrent is fine, and how I'm wrong and how you're right". You seem like that special kind of retard, and the people here will be the judges. Really, the only way you can prove me wrong is that the torrent starts to work, which we will know by reading the number next to COMPLETED on this torrent.
the uploader even bother to respond and edit the description, how about fix this torrent?
45 "doujins" uploaded by op when shameless leechs have to wait they start complaining @oneloliman - farming crypto - debunked! typical leech retard statement, no proofs @the_miscreant - who’s taking the money - debunked! another leech retard posting without proofs when given a chance @kitsame - torrent is botched - debunked! it went from 65% to 77% in last 24 hours, patience leech @Revrain - how about fix this torrent? - debunked! same as above, torrent is slow, just like you leech I hope that takahashit coupons are worth it
@kitsame The torrent isn't botched. I'm calling you a Karen because you're quite literally throwing a tantrum over one (1) torrent because you can't download your free porn in a millisecond due to the uploader's internet being slow at the moment. You're so entitled and demanding beyond the scope of what is appropriate and necessary because you don't know your place. This is the problem with you leechers in the anime community, most of you are a bunch of ungrateful, disgusting self-unaware Karens. You're getting this for free at the expense of someone's else wallet, and you're still COMPLAINING and WHINING because it's not delivered to you at the speed of one million gigabytes per second. Know your place, beggar, because you cannot and will never be a chooser. Have you considered attending Mental Olympics, you could probably win gold with your mental gymnastics. >I really don’t care who paid, or who lied, it doesn’t interest me. Don't backpedal, liar. You lied and said that guy above your original comment had paid for it which he never did because he's refusing to prove it with the transaction id and key. You two thought you could lie about sending money to crypto addresses because you didn't know cryptocurrency transactions can be proven in a second. That's such a pathetic and disgusting thing to lie about. >Really, the only way you can prove me wrong is that the torrent starts to work, Except the torrent does work. It's currently at 81% progress and it was 60% yesterday. You're literally an idiot, get the fuck out.
Well, I'm fine either way, slow or fast. Though, I'd prefer if it could be a bit faster.. I still can read others hmanga while wait for this. At least, there's a certainty here. Still A LOT better than when there's no one upload it. Anyway, thanks for sharing this. :)
He doesn't have slow internet, he's capping his upload speed on purpose. Other uploaders have been doing the same thing for years.
@gipaf23445 i tell you now im not one of those 342 leechers i don even dl this shit lol not gonna dl this until a few completes, im not exactly complainin but no complete for 3 days is surely concerning
@booman There’s been major outages all over the world in the last few weeks. Shove your conspiracy theory in your ass. You whiners will never buy and share Fakku stuff (or any other stuff for that matter) and you still have the nerve to attack uploaders after getting free stuff. Fucking yikes. One of those whiners even lied about sending money to the uploader and that cuntrag liar ran away after being told to prove it. What a pathetic bunch of cunts you whiners are. It wouldn't surprise me if you whiners are Fakku shills because why else would anyone attack those who buy and upload Fakku stuff. @Revrain Fix the torrent? It downloads just fine. Have you considered using a torrent client that isn’t shit?
man people really goes crazy when they can't download porn lmao
@ultimaonlineplayer Dude chill.
that ultimaonline is ont or jewcob/daiz falseflagging, dont bother with him. I was called a leech just for asking a question, funny thing is I've ripped some fucku contents and shared it here. He is on mission to discourage people from pirating.
@wolfdale123 What a dogshit troll you are, nothing you say will ever make sense. You're a pathetic leech because you constantly spam links to Fakku's store and demand people to use their wallets to buy it for you for free. A beggar trying to be a chooser, that's what you are. If someone is trying to discourage people from pirating their shit, it'd be you with your constant begging and obnoxious spam. I've never said or done anything that would discourage people from pirating, this is something you made up because you're a pathetic leech with schizophrenia or something. Secondly, you've never paid and shared any Fakku content. This is the 5th time I've seen you lie about this. So pathetic. @booman You need to chill. Your conspiracy theory came straight out of your asshole because your shitty internet couldn't download a torrent.
@the_miscreant It's been 3 days now and you haven't posted any proof which means you never sent any money at all. Miserable little shit, you got caught lying. It's so obvious that the_miscreant, revrain and kitsame are shills for Fakku because they're trying to piss off the most active Fakku uploader with a pathetic smear campaign.
@ultimaonlineplayer You're the one going on endless rants and calling others names, not me. I honestly don't care if a torrent of a mediocre porn doujin takes ages to download, I was just informing those who thought the torrent was borked. Or do you actually expect people to believe that the guy has such a slow internet that uploading 180MB takes literal days? Not even remote villages in Uganda would take that long, not to mention the fact that the guy uploaded 2 other torrents at the same time and those were finished within minutes.
@booman Who do you think your conspiracy theory is going to inform? I just told you there are major outages happening. YouTube went down a few days ago if you were paying attention.
the absolute state of these pathetic manchildren, they get free content because the uploader is kind enough to pay for it and give it away and these manchildren start complaining when their trash internet can't download a 185 mb file and they also lied about sending money @the_miscreant fucking liar! you didn't send money to anyone. are you a fakku shill?