This torrent contains the latest Japanese versions of Custom Maid 3D 2 (ver 1.66) and Custom Order Maid 3D 2 (ver 1.49) with all of each game's DLC preinstalled.
The files in this torrent are modular. You can use your torrent client to specify which game you'd like. You can use it to download only CM3D2, only COM3D2, or both.
* If you only download the CM3D2 folder you will have all of the DLC that has been released for CM3D2 and a number of backwards compatible DLC from COM3D2. The total file size will be 77 GB.
* If you only download the COM3D2 folder you will have all of the DLC that has been released since February 23rd, 2018(COM3D2's release date.) All of the personalities included are also the [COM SOLO] versions, which means they will work without having to link CM3D2. This is the best option if you only want Custom Order Maid 3D 2. The total file size will be 78 GB.
* If you download everything you'll be able to link CM3D2 to COM3D2 and that in turn will allow you to use CM3D2's content in COM3D2. Linking the games is the only way to use CM3D2's Junshin, Kuudere, and Tsundere personalities in COM3D2. This torrent is the most comprehensive collection of Custom Maid content to date and this option is recommended for enthusiasts. This option is 154 GB.
1. Set your computer’s locale to Japanese.
2. You may place either game's folder anywhere on your computer that you’d like.
3. Within each game's folder is a respective batch file (set_install_directory.bat) that can be used to add its install information to your registry. This allows you to install future updates and DLC and is optional.

This torrent went live on July 3rd, 2020. Keep this date in mind as new Custom Maid content is released every week. While it may not be updated to have next month’s content or even the month after, it still has a staggering FIVE(!) years worth of content. Listings for the entirety of the included content have been arranged for your convenience.
New DLC List
Full DLC List for CM3D2
Full DLC List for COM3D2
> thanks but is it uncensored or not?
This torrent contains the latest Japanese versions
> It said “Japanese versions” so is it in Japanese or has it been translated?
This torrent contains the latest Japanese versions
> full game ??
This torrent is the most comprehensive collection of Custom Maid content to date
To all of you who ask if this is translated and uncensored the answer is no.
This is a vanilla repack meaning it has absolutely no mods or plugins. And that's how it should be. You install translation, uncensor and plugins yourself.
Go to and read the guide if you are clueless on what to do next.
Thank you inlolzwetrust.
To add, the reason why no uncensors, mods, plugins, or translations are included is because this torrent is designed to last. Just this month a new expansion was released(GP01 Fb) that broke all of the game's user made plugins for two weeks leaving modders to scramble to update their code in order for everyone to use the new content.
And new dlc is released for the game every Friday, which results in about 52 new dlc per year, not counting promotional dlcs you can only get from buying magazines or merchandise exclusive to Japan.
But those dlc need game updates to work, and those often render mods and plugins unusable. Had they been included the torrent would become obsolete within a few weeks.
When the last torrent was created the community was using Sybaris to load mods and plugins, but within a year switched to BepinEX. There's no way to know what we'll be using a year from now.
The torrent was designed to be future proof and that means having to add to it yourself.
On the bright side the community does make packs that you can use to add everything you'd need easily. inlolzwetrust has linked to one such pack. There is also CMI, a modular installer that lets you choose what plugins, uncensors, and translations to install that's available on the [com3d2 discord.](
So after I finally finished this fat download, I could open CM3D2 but not COM3D2.
CM3D2 will launch and run properly.
However, COM3D2 would just crash right after I press "Start" in the launcher.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Well,this source is pretty good and I got fairly stable speed around 5m/s but after downloaded 99.90% the downloading speed suddentl drop below 20kb/s and sometimes eeven 0kb/s, I think the sources need some work to make it much morestable, especially in the last part.
When I try to start CM3D2 all I get is this black screen that never leading into anything and some options that don't work:
When I try to start COM3D2 I get a white screen and this error then it closes:
Anyone have anything I can do to fix this?
i downloaded the previous version and worked very well , thanks.
This idk yet, i have trying to keep it up to date , but the sizes are different, but i tend to skip clothes.
Just a heads up for anyone who are asking yourself what to download, IF you want ALL personalities you HAVE to download both and LINK THEM from the very beginning , the SAVES are different , you cant complete most of it on the com3d2 solo version and just link later to finish the missing parts , IF you want to make a single 100% complete save, link from start .
This is just IMO , but cm3d2 DONT have the dialog box during yotogi , meaning you cant understand what they say unless you are a pro in Japanese , however , it has unique events and stuff that com3d2 dont have , so there is a reason to play both , IF you are interested in the writing as i am , you can easily spend more than 100hours just to see every single unique events of every personality , so take your time.
Don't suppose anyone knows how to translate this? I've got an english version but it doesn't have any of the other personalities and I can't figure out how to get them for that install. I assume this one has them but I can't understand a thing.
Also, seeding it but I'll probably be deleting it soon if I don't figure out how to fix the Japanese thing. It's taking up a huge chunk of space on my tiny SSD.
am having similar problem with Enkidu. I rechecked the downloaded torrents twice and copied over the original download to a different folder to test it out i experienced the same issue.
if you have issues with NPC edit not finding "pre_oshitoyaka_npc" install [COM3D2 Append] [Summer 2020 Season Costume Pack] DLC. Link was posted above.
im getting the same issue as gored and muchukchuk. downloaded this then changed locale then opened set_install_directory in both of the folders and then tried to launch.
EDIT: problem fixed by removing "Read only" from folders
Can I start playing as soon as DL is finished? I am trying to start CM3D2 and it's just a blackscreen. I tried doing the same with COM3D2 and it shows an error and closes. Do I need to DL another thing for this to work?
For some reason, installing the [CMI_Difference_Module] results in a black screen for me. Anyone know why? Just using the COM Modular Installer works, but when I try to install the CMI Difference Module everything turns to shit (sorry for lack of a better term my vocabulary is limited).
So, for a new user, what steps should I follow to keep the game as updated as possible?
- Install a modular patch every time it comes out (for plugins/addons) in the discord channel
- Download the last Modpack. How can I add only the new dlc from the last one I already installed?
Anything else?
Hi, when trying to download it only sits at 0% and dosent connect to any peers even though it says 45 people are seeding, any help would be appreciated, I leave my PC on 24/7 so I always seed no problem
i'm with the same problem User "gored"
When I try to start CM3D2 all I get is this black screen that never leading into anything and some options that don’t work:
Anyone have anything I can do to fix this?
Someone could help me?
The PasteBin links that had links to download the DLC just went private for no reason. Does anyone have any backup .txt files containing the links? I have mods the requires certain DLCs to be installed.
Comments - 42
kasumeido (uploader)
kasumeido (uploader)
kasumeido (uploader)
kasumeido (uploader)
kasumeido (uploader)