Fate Realta Nua features the latest edition from Type-Moon. Though this torrent includes extra scenes from PS Vita, H-scenes, additional voice casts, and the complete English translation.
1. Copy and paste all crack-patches to the appropriate folder.
2. Follow the instructions inside ‘Fate Stay Night Realta Nua English’ inside Readme. Or you can do the following:
* After copying all of the cracks inside the appropriate folders, start any of the three games (just one is enough) and read few lines
* Close the game
* Copy everything INSIDE the folders of ‘English patches’, ‘Flowchart’, ‘H Mod’, ‘Vita Op patches’, and ‘Vits OST patches’ - Once again, THE FILES INSIDE THE FOLDERS - NOT THE FOLDERS!
* Go to ‘My Documents’ and look for the folder called ‘faterealtanua_savedata’
* Paste everything in there.
* Go play the freaking game
Note - The PDF Flowchart shows you the paths you can take per arc. This is not the file you want to copy inside faterealtanua_savedata
Note 2 - The ‘Fate Stay Night Improved Uncensor Patch v11’ is for the original Fate/Stay Night’s release by Waku-Waku. It will not work for what is being provided to you here.
I’m seeding this for a week and will leave it to fucking die or whatever. So seed, or let this thing die. -shrugs-
Comments - 2
now all I have to do is pray there are seeders for the one and only not pre-patched torrent of realta nua
finally got this… mainly due to slow internet on my end and some stalling… but there are seeders <3
this is definitely the best torrent of realta nua out there… and just as note 2 says… the improved uncensor patch is not needed as the english translation patch takes care of everything
after unpacking this rar file you’ll have 8 rar files 6 for the 3 game parts (3 games and 3 cracks) and the english translation patch (the one you’ll apply as stated above and in the readme) and the improved uncensor patch which is basically useless because it’s improved even more and included in the english translation patch
this’s the translation patch thread in case anything goes wrong https://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/4745
they have a nice FAQ ;) https://i.imgur.com/MsvhGYb.png