[ADV] [劇團近未来] 愛してるけど恋したい、あと援助交際も / [Unagimaru] As for A and the En ● association that want to be in love though I love it

2014-06-25 00:25 UTC
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\[ADV\] \[劇團近未来\] 愛してるけど恋したい、あと援助交際も / \[Unagimaru\] As for A and the En ● association that want to be in love though I love it [![Image](http://s9.imgserve.net/images/small/2014/06/24/53aa165dca76b.jpg)](http://imgserve.net/img-53aa165dca7ac.html) Information: [DLsite](http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ126592.html) Title: 愛してるけど恋したい、あと援助交際も / As for A and the En ● association that want to be in love though I love it Brand: 劇團近未来 / Unagimaru Release: 2013/12/28 File size: 711MB [![Image](http://imgmega.com/i/00009/kwsg123u2twg_t.jpg)](http://imgmega.com/kwsg123u2twg/RJ126592_01.jpg.html) [![Image](http://s9.imgserve.net/images/small/2014/06/24/53aa16228cbd0.jpg)](http://imgserve.net/img-53aa16228cc10.html) [![Image](http://imgmaster.net/upload/small/2014/06/25/53aa15b576eb8.jpg)](http://imgmaster.net/img-53aa15b576ef2.html) [![Image](http://img8.imgtiger.com/images/47257034684905091009_thumb.jpg)](http://imgtiger.com/viewer.php?file=47257034684905091009.jpg) Wife and lover and nyuinseikatsu where Schoolgirl comes to for a visit―― Be approximately 500 pieces of large volume for basic event CG31 mai, a difference. "Whom shall have you outrun him to today?" ・Daily life Sex during the hospitalization, visit H! In the hospital where I who was rolled up in a traffic accident carried it on its shoulder and was crowded, Amourette worked as Nurse. "Almost grow the bottom of the nose by a lover to whisper ♪" coming to to sometimes do a good thing to ," but, Naturally "save you, and is the wife loving it Run?" For reason to come for to visit―― The girls school girl who got to know in kyokuinnai "came to use it, and to be given it of a daddy, the small"! The disposal to do for to En ● association. nyuinseikatsu which mingled of a thrill and the pleasure, May I finish it safely? ■内容 妻と恋人と女子校生が、お見舞いに来る入院生活―― ■あらすじ 交通事故に巻き込まれた俺が担ぎ込まれた病院には、 浮気相手がナースとして勤めていた。 「時々イイコトしに来てあげる♪」と囁く恋人に鼻の下を伸ばしそうになるが、 当然愛する妻も「あなた、溜ってるんでしょ?」と見舞いに来る訳で―― 挙句院内で知り合った女子校生が「パパ、お小遣いもらいに来たよ!」と 援助交際にやってくる始末。 スリルと快楽が入り交じるこの入院生活を、 俺は無事に終えることが出来るのだろうか。 ■システム 基本イベントCG31枚、差分約500枚の大ボリューム。 オートモード・クイックセーブ、ロードなど、便利機能も満載。 ヒロインはフルボイス約2000ワードを収録。 フェラ音チュパ音、充実の卑語は、もちろん無修正でお送りします! 1024×768の大画面で、臨場感溢れるエッチシーンをお楽しみ下さい。 詳細はこちら! http://kinmirai.dojin.com/soft23.html

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