Wizardia Magic Academy is the most prestigious school on the continent. Outstanding practitioners of magic from participating schools (in various nations) have gathered at Wizardia, to practice their magic. Due to special circumstances, a young male by the name of Tsukasa Strobilanthus has been accepted as a student to this all female school. Tsukasa has an unusual ability called The Mystic Eyes, a power which enables him to cause all the girls nearby to become extremely aroused. Tsukasa is attending this school in hopes of finding a way to control his mystical power
[![Image](http://img.yt/upload/small/2014/06/24/53a932fc812d2.jpg)](http://img.yt/img-53a932fc8130b.html) [![Image](http://imgsure.com/uploads/small/vrv8i/49onvef72bowr.jpg)](http://imgsure.com/uvrv8i049onvef72bowr.jpg)
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