(C74) \[Kokonokiya (Kokonoki Nao)\] Lucrecia III (Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus) \[English\] \[StatisticallyNP\]
(C74) \[ここのき屋 (ここのき奈緒)\] Lucrecia III (ファイナルファンタジーVII) \[英訳\]
And into debauchery she goes.
Part I, Part II, Part III
Translated by StatisticallyNP
Edited by Ser Maggot
StatisticallyNP's Thoughts:
Lucrecia continues her downward spiral into becoming a total slut.
Want to drive a woman crazy? Don’t have sex with her for a fortnight, and she’s gagging for it when you come back then you're golden.
Then you can blindfold her, put a camera in her pussy and have her staff jack off into her. Nice.
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