**If you like the game and want more awesome games like this, please support the developer by buying the game or using the donate button on his blog.**
New in 1.0.1:
\- Easy/Normal mode switch added
\- Infinite health option added
New in 1.0.2:
\- Bug fixes
New in 1.0.3:
\- 6 new awesome 3P animations
\- Last boss bugfixes
**Unlocking the Omake/Gallery:**
1\. Go to C:\\Users\\"username"\\AppData\\Local\\parasite\_in\_city
(note: AppData is a hidden folder by default)
2\. To unlock the gallery, simply modify the gallery.ini file in notepad. You will need to complete the missing entries you find there, e.g. 1=1.000000 till 7=1.000000
3\. To unlock the omake and all stages, modify the sav.ini file value to stage=4.00000
4\. Profit
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