Ripped from Critical Mass’s DVD
Audio: English (AC3 2.0), Japanese (AC3 2.0)
Subs: Signs and Songs, Full Dialogue
Notes : the art gallery was originally 3 video extras but in playback it played them all in super speed (and unlike with Angel Sanctuary’s art gallery , delaying the video didn’t fully fix it) so I persevered it by taking screenshots of what was included in them and you can play the OP theme while going through them to get the original experience
Here’s some DVDisos we’d like to get our hands on:
Submission Central (Kitty Media DVD):cause the ISO available on AB removes the English audio and subs
Magical Twilight (Critical Mass DVD):No dual audio DVDrip exists currently
Dragon Knight Wheel of Time (Softcel DVD): contains uncut version unlike the normal ADV version
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