# [explorejapan.pw]() - The final dump
Hi all, the time has come for my final dump of [explorejapan.pw]() (the site closed down some time ago, now). It contains 5356 videos taking up 6.3TB of storage. It originally start off as a [collection of Momoka Nishina videos](https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/3631278), but has grown to include a bit of everything. This dump also includes the (shitty) tools that I made to generate this website.
I will be seeding this from a seedbox for the foreseeable future, but it only has a 300Mb/s connection so please allow a couple weeks for it to download. I would also really appreciate it if you could possibly seed it to a ratio of 1 (or much more if you have the bandwidth and are feeling generous), but I understand that not everyone has good upload speeds.
Please read "README.txt" in the torrent for more info.
Take care, all. Look after yourselves.
Touch grass. Go for a walk, or even a hiking trip with friends. Maybe even do a camping trip and wake up early to watch the sun rise.
It's a beautiful world out there.
Over and out,