Untouched download from DLSite. WMV to MKV with ffmpeg.
I’m looking to crowdfund the rest of the eps that are not on BD.
$140 for the other 5 eps. I will pay 50% of the total. Plus fees & using coupons. (about $70) leaving $70 that needs crowdfunding.
Enjoy, More RAWs incoming.
**Donations are welcomed.
Comments - 4
thank you
Dang, I forgot to buy some stuff while they were 50% off.
Just a heads up, no one should buy the digital versions of Sora no Iro, Mizu no Iro. They took the 4:3 and cropped it to 16:9. The BD is immensely better.
Mr_Kimiko (uploader)
I just found out that there are more than just 2 BDs for Oni Chichi. So I’m updating the crowdfund.