モラトリアム 〜ブルーアワー幸せの時間〜
ブランド / Brand: WendyBell
発売日 / Release Date: 2023/12/22
ファイルサイズ / File Size: 873MB
紹介ページ / Information: http://www.cyberworks.jp/wendybell/moratorium/
紹介ページ / Information: http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=1249762&gc=gc
紹介ページ / Information: mikocon.com/bishoujo
Crack Download: Click Here
Comments - 2
art looks kinda weird, almost as if it was AI-fied and got these weird warping all over, and the fingers in the 2nd pic look cursed af, but i really like the floof
Definitely looks like AI generated some of this art. Not a fan of the warped look.