This is the Steam version (it wouldn’t have the Script.vdf file otherwise), how did you get the patch to this when the website to Kagura Games has been down even before this game was released (this includes the patches as well)?
Their website didn’t go down until a bit after release and has been up and down regularly. Regardless, you didn’t need their website to download the patch, one of the mirrors (third one, I believe) is a Google download. As for it being oudated, you can just download the new patch and patch over this, it doesn’t have any DRM.
And yes, sorry for not being clear, I got this from Steam, by “Kagura” version I meant it’s the Kagura release.
Comments - 4
This is the Steam version (it wouldn’t have the Script.vdf file otherwise), how did you get the patch to this when the website to Kagura Games has been down even before this game was released (this includes the patches as well)?
Patch is outdated now.
Nightmarian (uploader)
Their website didn’t go down until a bit after release and has been up and down regularly. Regardless, you didn’t need their website to download the patch, one of the mirrors (third one, I believe) is a Google download. As for it being oudated, you can just download the new patch and patch over this, it doesn’t have any DRM.
And yes, sorry for not being clear, I got this from Steam, by “Kagura” version I meant it’s the Kagura release.