[NORA’s Factory]MORE Tension 2 -少女調教動画集- / MORE Tension 2 ‘KINBAKU’ BDSM Movie collection
Title: MORE Tension 2 -少女調教動画集- / MORE Tension 2 ‘KINBAKU’ BDSM Movie collection
Brand: NORA’s Factory
Release date: 2007/11/13
File Size: 919MB
Working title: NORA’s Factory
CV: Seren
This is a collection of images about the sexual training of 3D heroine Shizune.
* This product is fully voiced (female characters only) and fully animated.
* If you want to repeat a scene you can use the loop button.
* You can choose not to display the text captions (only for the male characters).
* Features an extra mode where you can view the CG and movie library.
* Be sure to check out the trial version.
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