Game has no fps limit so it will run your GPU to the max if you let it. Use rivatuner or some other 3rd party fps limiter
^ jesus christ no wonder i heard my pc roaring i have it but i don’t know how to use it
nvm i think i figured out add the .exe to the list, then change the framerate limit to 30 or 60
My 3090Ti did that too and a lot of fan noise XD
My game freezes when I send a specific message to Chiho, any solution?
Comments - 4
Game has no fps limit so it will run your GPU to the max if you let it. Use rivatuner or some other 3rd party fps limiter
^ jesus christ no wonder i heard my pc roaring
i have it but i don’t know how to use it
nvm i think i figured out
add the .exe to the list, then change the framerate limit to 30 or 60
My 3090Ti did that too and a lot of fan noise XD
My game freezes when I send a specific message to Chiho, any solution?