Translation: Taihen Tsuma Translations
Released: first game 2011-07-29, Upscaled Edition with AFTER STORY 2017-03-31
English Patch: 2022-08-22
Change system locale to Japanese.
This patch contains a complete translation of both games contained in this release; a rerelease of ‘Hoka no Otoko no Seieki de Haramu Toki 1,’ together with the ‘AFTER STORY’(sequel).
In this release they included both games and upscaled the original. Hoka no Otoko no Seieki de Haramu Toki (Prequel) and After Story (Sequel)
"Hoka no Otoko no Seieki de Haramu Toki 1
Due to issues with his sperm count, the protagonist is unable to get his wife pregnant. Seeing how desperate she is for a child, he decides to ask for his brother’s help in getting her to conceive. His wife reluctantly agrees to go through with it…
Hoka no Otoko no Seieki de Haramu Toki 1 After Story
Hideaki is still troubled by his infertility. He and his wife have been trying for a second child for a while now to no avail. One day, Hideaki’s brother Shuma, their child’s biological father, returns home. Hideaki ends up asking for his brother’s help yet again…"
from Taihen Tsuma Translations’ site
Comments - 2
Wasn’t this thing already out on June?
I know that but for a fact but vndb says otherwise.
Was that torrent 2 months ago an unfinished patch or what?
from description it looks like it’s been upscaled and has the after story added.