My own translation of chapter 10. Hope you enjoy.
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Comments - 4
ok … this is a fun kinky story
the problem is there are ch’s missing
if you do a title search in here you can find the 2 omnibus vols, that cover up to ch 7
this torrent is ch 10
any chance of getting vol’s 8 & 9
BlueFireNick (uploader)
Chapter 8 just got uploaded as the uncensored version just released. Chapter 9 was released on exhentai with the rest, but the uploader apparently didn’t upload here on sukebei.
@ BlueFireNick … I see, when I popped in this morning to se what might be avail, I noticed ch 8 was just uploaded
as for sites like exhentai, I tend to avoid those virus/malware supporting sites … hopefully someone who has ch 9 will upload it to in here
Any seed? pls :3