Meiro ch.朝日奈めいろ YouTube ASMR Archive

2022-05-04 18:44
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File size:
18.0 GiB
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This batch is everything I managed to archive from May 2021 until she graduated on April 30, 2022.

Meiro ch.朝日奈めいろ
Asahina Meiro

Thumbmail from a YouTube stream:

Meiro was a Japanese Adult Vtuber that did adult themed ASMR (and video games) on YouTube. She ha(s)d a fangroup on Ci-en and an adult private channel which she did more kinky things that she simply couldn’t get away with on YouTube.

She was banned from YouTube several times because of her ASMR, mainly because of her “Countdown” ASMR streams but also because she managed to stream several videos which sounded like she had sex live on stream. Please note the following those streams are contained in the archive found here: (you can find that archive here: )

There are two subfolders in the main folder:

“archived by Meiro” were streams she did on YouTube that she had to take down due to content strikes or fear of getting a strike. They are in 360p only. She immediately privatized these videos and uploaded them that way onto Ci-en. Please complain to her if you don’t like the quality.

“non ASMR videos” are various videos she did that weren’t ASMR, however either had an “ecchi” theme or were a special event (I included her graduation stream here)

This is the fullest collection I could obtain that continues off the previous archive though there might be some missing (tbh I’m not sure). She did have a higher Fanclub tier with private sessions which I never accessed (because it was $100 USD a month for it). That said, with her graduation and the likelihood all of her content could be deleted by “Susan,” I wanted to preserve as much as possible and share with anyone interested.

I have been archiving several of the other AVTubers lately because “Susan” has been cracking down on them including “Health Equipment” streams and so on. You can expect those to appear at some point in the future.

File list

  • Meiro
    • archived by Meiro
      • (03-31-21)【ASMR_耳舐め】ちょっぴり意地悪カウントダウン♡ Ear licking_Ear eat_kiss_Whispering.mp4 (88.2 MiB)
      • [ASMR] Is it white and dull (08-08-2021).mp4 (111.6 MiB)
      • meiro081921.mp4 (573.7 MiB)
      • 【ASMR_耳舐め】ちょっとだけいやらしい‥_メイクブラシ_手錠_耳舐め_Ear licking_Ear eat_massage_Whispering【Vtuber_朝日奈めいろ】.mp4 (65.2 MiB)
      • 【ASMR_耳舐め】メイドにイタズラされてお耳を犯される...♡Ear licking_Ear eat_Whispering (2) (08-08-2021).mp4 (90.5 MiB)
      • 【ASMR】πで気持ちよくなりませんかっ♡【Vtuber_朝日奈めいろ】 (08-08-2021).mp4 (230.2 MiB)
      • 【ASMR】ほら...出して? (08-08-2021).mp4 (120.3 MiB)
      • 【ASMR】マッサージで白いあれをぴゅーっと.mp4 (240.7 MiB)
      • 【ASMR】今夜は私と夜遊びしよ?(2-12-21 archive).mp4 (2.8 MiB)
      • 【ASMR耳舐め】太くて硬いのは私だけのもの Ear lickingEareatkiss.mp4 (191.9 MiB)
      • 【ASMR耳舐め】奥まで届いて出ちゃう♡♡Ear lickingEar eatperoperomassage【Vtuber朝日奈めいろ】.mp4 (854.8 MiB)
      • 【ASMR耳舐め】脳内をすっきりしよ♡Ear lickingEar eatmassage【Vtuber朝日奈めいろ】.mp4 (128.5 MiB)
      • ニコニコ生放送アーカイブ・6月号【ライト・プレミアム】 - 朝日奈めいろ FanClub ☕ - Ci-en(シエン).mp4 (898.4 MiB)
      • 🎧 ニコニコ生放送アーカイブ 5月 【無料・ライト・プレミアム】 - 朝日奈めいろ FanClub ☕ - Ci-en.mp4 (1009.0 MiB)
    • non ASMR videos
      • 【かわいいは壊せる】今日からロリコンになりました。幼女っていいよね【Vtuber朝日奈めいろ】.mp4 (488.2 MiB)
      • 【一周年記念配信】ちょっといやらしいメイドが生まれた日☕🎀【Vtuber朝日奈めいろ】.mp4 (712.8 MiB)
      • 【質問箱】NGなし⁉なんでも答えるよおおお‼【Vtuber朝日奈めいろ】.mp4 (541.8 MiB)
      • 【質問箱】あけましておめでとうございます🎊今年も夜のメイドとしてよろシコ!💞【VTuber朝日奈めいろ】.mp4 (581.2 MiB)
      • 【質問箱】なんでも答えます!!!めいろについてたくさん知ってください‼【Vtuber朝日奈めいろ】.mp4 (702.8 MiB)
      • おひさしですうううううう!最近のこととかいろいろ話す!【VTuber朝日奈めいろ】.mp4 (375.8 MiB)
      • リアルイベント生中継!!1部【Vtuber朝日奈めいろ】.mp4 (370.2 MiB)
      • リアルイベント開催中♡2部【Vtuber朝日奈めいろ】.mp4 (411.8 MiB)
      • 触ったら解決するらしい。。。?【Vtuber朝日奈めいろ】.mp4 (723.9 MiB)
      • 触って」触って!揉みまくれえええええ!【Vtuber朝日奈めいろ】.mp4 (639.3 MiB)
    • [ASMR ear licking] I'll lick it to the limit ♡.mp4 (241.6 MiB)
    • nicovideo_unknown_air_date.mp4 (421.7 MiB)
    • nicovideo_unkown_air_date_02.mp4 (386.5 MiB)
    • vlc-record-2022-03-17-09h32m48s-【ASMR】連続腰ピク目指します👅💓理性なんてぶっとばしちゃえ♡♡【VTuber_朝日奈めいろ】-.mp4 (231.8 MiB)
    • 【ASMR_耳舐め】脳内をすっきりしよ♡_Ear licking_Ear eat_massage【Vtuber_朝日奈めいろ】-1280_720.png (1.0 MiB)
    • 【ASMR】πで気持ちよくなりませんかっ♡【Vtuber朝日奈めいろ】.mp4 (175.3 MiB)
    • 【ASMR】ご主人様の睡眠のお役にたてますように♡WhisperingEar Massage.mp4 (450.8 MiB)
    • 【ASMR】すきすき♡しkしk♡愛とミルク交換.mp4 (235.7 MiB)
    • 【ASMR】すきすき♡しkしk♡愛とミルク交換🍼【Vtuber朝日奈めいろ】.mp4 (108.2 MiB)
    • 【ASMR】ほら...出して?♡【Vtuber朝日奈めいろ】.mp4 (268.5 MiB)
    • 【ASMR】マッサージで白いあれをぴゅーっと🍼【Vtuber朝日奈めいろ】.mp4 (107.9 MiB)
    • 【ASMR】意識がとんでっちゃう♡がんばって耐えれるよね?♡【VTuber朝日奈めいろ】.mp4 (145.5 MiB)
    • 【ASMR】癒しと気持ちいい♡ゾクゾクさせちゃういちゃあま耳舐め.mp4 (277.4 MiB)
    • 【ASMR】癒しと気持ちいい♡ゾクゾクさせちゃういちゃあま耳舐め💞【VTuber朝日奈めいろ】.mp4 (192.4 MiB)
    • 【ASMR】白くてドロッとしたものなーんだ?♡【Vtuber_朝日奈めいろ】.mp4 (111.6 MiB)
    • 【ASMR】耳だけじゃなくてアソコも犯しちゃうぞ💞💞Ear lickingEar eatkissperopero【VTuber朝日奈めいろ】.mp4 (195.1 MiB)
    • 【ASMR】舐めぷれいでさぽーとします♡【Vtuber朝日奈めいろ】.mp4 (121.7 MiB)
    • 【ASMR】連続腰ピク目指します👅💓理性なんてぶっとばしちゃえ♡♡【VTuber朝日奈めいろ】.mp4 (182.8 MiB)
    • 【ASMR耳舐め】ぐっぽり耳舐め♡イったらダメだぞ♡奥深はむはむkissEar lickingEar eatWhispering.mp4 (111.6 MiB)
    • 【ASMR耳舐め】こういうの好きでしょ?♡キス囁きkissEar lickingEar eatperoperoWhispering【VTuber朝日奈めいろ】(1).mp4 (117.7 MiB)
    • 【ASMR耳舐め】こういうの好きでしょ?♡キス囁きkissEar lickingEar eatperoperoWhispering【VTuber朝日奈めいろ】.mp4 (117.7 MiB)
    • 【ASMR耳舐め】ちょっとだけいやらしい‥メイクブラシ手錠耳舐めEar lickingEar eatmassageWhispering【Vtuber朝日奈めいろ】.mp4 (126.3 MiB)
    • 【ASMR耳舐め】全肯定で甘えさせてあげる♡囁き吐息Ear lickingEar eatkissEar massage【VTuber朝日奈めいろ】.mp4 (450.5 MiB)
    • 【ASMR耳舐め】口も下もキスでたっぷり襲っちゃうぞ💞吐息キス囁きkissEar lickingEar eatperoperoWhispering【VTuber朝日奈めいろ】.mp4 (103.4 MiB)
    • 【ASMR耳舐め】口も下もキスでたっぷり襲っちゃうぞ💞吐息キス囁きkissEar lickingEar eatperoperoWhispering【VTuber朝日奈めいろ】.webm (474.6 MiB)
    • 【ASMR耳舐め】奥だけじゃなくて他もやっちゃう♡キス囁きkissEar lickingEar eatperoperoWhispering【VTuber朝日奈めいろ】.mp4 (346.9 MiB)
    • 【ASMR耳舐め】奥まで届いて出ちゃう♡♡Ear lickingEar eatperoperomassage【Vtuber朝日奈めいろ】.mp4 (468.2 MiB)
    • 【ASMR耳舐め】手でイかされるのはお好きですか?♡kissEar lickingEar eatWhispering【VTuber朝日奈めいろ】.mp4 (190.4 MiB)
    • 【ASMR耳舐め】気持ちよくなれるサークルなんだけど...♡吐息キス囁きkissEar lickingEar eatperoperoWhispering【VTuber朝日奈めいろ】.mp4 (119.2 MiB)
    • 【ASMR耳舐め】耳で感じるセイ感マッサージ♡ Ear lickingEar eatkissEar massage.mp4 (322.3 MiB)
    • 【ASMR耳舐め】脳内をすっきりしよ♡Ear lickingEar eatmassage【Vtuber朝日奈めいろ】.mp4 (126.3 MiB)
    • 【ASMR耳舐め】舌先で感じて♡舐めめいろになってみたEar lickingEar eatperopero【Vtuber朝日奈めいろ】.mp4 (129.9 MiB)
    • 【ASMR耳舐め】限界まで舐めちゃうぞ♡ぺろぺろ♡Ear lickingEar eatperoperoonasapo【Vtuber朝日奈めいろ】.mp4 (111.6 MiB)
    • んあっ♡アソコも体も同時に鍛えちゃおう♡.mp4 (491.5 MiB)
    • んあっ♡アソコも体も同時に鍛えちゃおう♡🚩🔥リングフィットアドベンチャー1【VTuber朝日奈めいろ】 Ring Fit.mp4 (604.3 MiB)