It’s a total website pack of konachan,yande and imouto till 2013 ends.
Those packs may have some R18 contents,think carefully before you download this torrent.
I just do this for fun,please obey laws if you use tihs.
DO NOT reprint this resouce to BBS or any other place to make profits,like BBS coins.If you just use this personally,use it anyway,if not,please contact me
to get authorization.
ACGN Hunting Project v1.0 20140101 beta
This is the first version for hunting project,it contains about 1.07 TB ACG pictures.if you don’t know what ACGN is,please check the links:
I collectdt some parts of the packs from websites below,you can check it for details.
Hunting websites:
and so on.
Thanks to my friend who offered me help.
PLEASE SEED!! as long as you can…
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