Cum on! Bukkake Ranch! ~Rear Elementals Into Wet, Horny Girls!~
Seeeki! Bukkake Bokujou! ~Oshiru Ippai, Seirei-tachi o H ni Shiiku!~
(セーエキ!ぶっかけ牧場! ~お汁いっぱい、精霊達をHに飼イク!~)
Cum on down to the peaceful Bukkake Ranch, a good old farm out of the way from all the commotion and hubbub of the town, a place where you can relax and enjoy a quiet life with your four elementals: the salamander girl, Sara, the slime girl, Myil, the kobold, Korin, and the harpy, Papy. Life is good on the farm. That is, until the Demon Queen shows up your front lawn, demanding you create the legendary Slut’s Stone before she decides to wipe your farm off the map.
Language: Full English
VNDB Link:
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