魔女のお茶会 (Tea Society of a Witch)
ブランド: フロントウイング
発売日: 2002/09/27
メディア: CD-ROM
サブジャンル: アドベンチャー [一覧]
ストーリー Story
遥か遠い昔、魔法使いと人間はひとつの世界に共存していた。しかし考え方の違いから深まった溝は、いつしか越えられない物になってしまった。魔法使いの偉大な力を恐れた人間は、彼らの存在をこの世から消 そうとした。魔法使いは人間達に絶望し、逃げ場を求めた。その様子を見ていた神は魔法世界を作り上げ、魔法使い達を移住するように促した。こうして魔法使いは魔法世界に移り住み、人間との交流を絶った。それから数百年の時の間、魔法使いたちはひそかに修行にため人間界にきていました。今年もひそかに見習いたちの魔法使いになるための修行「魔女のお茶会」が開かれようとっしていました。
サウンドトラック Soundtrack
https://nyaa.si/view/1318145 <- 魔女のお茶会 オリジナルゲームサウンドトラック (Tea Society of a Witch Original Game Soundtrack)
More Notes (ノート)
*Please note that this game does not support Unicode. You may have to change your system locale to Japanese for games like these to work. ^.^;*
*This game supports virtual disc so it’s not required to burn it to a disc!*
*This game supports Windows 10 32-bit/64-bit and previous Windows operating Systems*
WEBSITE - https://sites.google.com/view/muzuarchive/
YOUTUBE - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7l-8n5Tx-HlTQoAgtXwoqg
Comments - 4
thank you now if only someone could translate this version of the game.
I’m trying to figure out how to translate Tea Society of a Witch. However, the “story.pak” which contains all of the dialogs from this game is encrypted. I have tried using decomps but they would never extract it. If there is a way to extract these pak files, please tell me right away! Thank you. Once I have full access to this, I can start translating this game along with another game called Canary.
EDIT: Based on what I heard a few months back, Kiki Cakes who is a prominent voice actor for a few English translations is planning a future project that will have a translated version of Tea Society of a Witch w/ eng voices. I’m not sure if she is still thinking about it, but I hope in a way this will help to push an English translation project for Tea Society of a Witch.
I still have the censored Hirameki dvd, but glad this was released! I hope it gets an english translation as well. Thanks so much for sharing this and please seed!
I also own the censored Hirameki DVD and I did implement my own scans <3
I have not uploaded them however, but I will consider at some point in time.