Title: Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai! A-5
Original title: 真剣で私に恋しなさい!A-5
Length: Medium (10 - 30 hours)
Year: Japan 2016-04-26, English Partial Patch 2020-12-25
Developer: Minato Soft
Publisher: Minato Soft
Language: English
Voice: Japanese
Translation: Okiyuu
Only Margit route is translated.
Virus total result of the crack: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/045f629e6f84c773b347230955b12564cab13d991ec93f498de9bd9fe0d82432/detection
You need Locale Emulator to launch it as Japanese or the like.
The detection rate is very low and only from low quality AV engines, don't make reports on this basis.
Additionally if you actually look the file is from 2016 yet has no detections from worthwhile AVs:
Creation Time
2015-11-24 13:24:01
First Seen In The Wild
2016-12-26 12:29:04
First Submission
2016-12-28 23:12:13
Last Submission
2019-11-02 04:15:04
Last Analysis
2021-04-27 21:12:31
I'd say it's probably fine, but do your own research if you want.
Comments - 5