[マジカミ DX] Magicami DX H-Scene Archive Update [EN, JP] [Update 10-4-2021]

2021-04-10 10:29 UTC
No information.
File size:
17.4 GiB
Info hash:
### For the first part of the archive refer to https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/3235263 ### ### For the third part go to https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/3356267 ### As promised here is the magicami h-scene update. The batch took longer than expected but it also has more stuff. This includes every h-scene on global release and (almost) everything on JP server as of April 2021. The recordings were done by various contributors including myself. Quality should be on par with the first release. But beggining/end of recordings and sound settings may vary between scenes. **Feel free to leave a comment if you find any mistakes.** **Scenes still not replaced to 1080p:** Iroha - Ultimate Magica Eliza - Magical Swimsuit Kokoa - Ifrit (OBTAINED. NEXT BATCH) **Scenes missing:** Kisaku 2021 Event - Episodes 5 - 9 (OBTAINED. WILL BE AVAILABLE ON THE NEXT UPDATE) Another mistake in the last torrent was that "Lilly - Demon's Babel 08-2020 (JP)" was in fact not a Demon Babel scene but a scene from an event (戦慄怪奇ファイル). The proper "Lilly - Demon's Babel 08-2020 (JP)" has been added. Finally as a side note. I've also seen the uncensored assets. As these assets need to be extracted and mounted a certain way to be watchable I'll keep them to myself for the time being. Just know that yes, I do have them and I can make them work. If the game ever dies or I can't keep making these batches I'll release them. **As always please remember to seed. And play the game if you liked it. Have fun!**

File list

  • [マジカミ DX] Magicami DX H-Scene Archive [EN, JP] [Update 10-4-2021]
    • Aka
      • EN
        • Aka - Hot Springs Nymph(幻想秘湯天女 丹) (EN).mkv (141.6 MiB)
        • Aka - Phoenix(フェニックス 丹) (EN).mkv (249.3 MiB)
        • Aka - Pretty Pirate(ぱいぱいぱいれーつ 丹) (EN).mkv (190.0 MiB)
      • JP
        • Aka - Kisaku 2020 Event Scene 1 (JP).mkv (195.9 MiB)
        • Aka - Kisaku 2020 Event Scene 5 (JP).mkv (244.0 MiB)
        • Aka - Kisaku 2021 Event Scene 1 (JP).mkv (66.0 MiB)
    • Akisa
      • EN
        • Akisa - Birthday 1 (EN).mkv (307.5 MiB)
        • Akisa - Halloween Nurse(シブハロ↑ナイトコス 陽彩) (EN).mkv (280.0 MiB)
        • Akisa - Magica Evo 2019(Magica2019 Evo 陽彩) (EN).mkv (90.4 MiB)
        • Akisa - New Year Maiden(新春巫女2020 陽彩) (EN).mkv (221.7 MiB)
        • Akisa - Real Maid(オーセンティックメイド 陽彩) (EN).mkv (169.8 MiB)
      • JP
        • Akisa - Isekai Cosplayer(異世界レイヤーズⅢ 陽彩) (JP).mkv (69.3 MiB)
        • Akisa - Kisaku 2020 Event Scene 4 (JP).mkv (169.1 MiB)
        • Akisa - Kisaku 2020 Event Scene 8 (JP).mkv (142.4 MiB)
    • Ao
      • EN
        • Ao - Authentic Maid (EN).mkv (205.6 MiB)
        • Ao - Holiday Bikini(バカンスビキニ2019 蒼) (EN).mp4 (166.4 MiB)
        • Ao - Magica Evo 2019(Magica2019 Evo 蒼) (EN).mkv (170.3 MiB)
        • Ao - Pretty Pirate(ぱいぱいぱいれーつ 蒼) (EN).mkv (238.6 MiB)
        • Ao - Royal Knight(ロイヤルナイトアーマー 蒼) (EN).mkv (381.8 MiB)
      • JP
        • Ao - Kisaku 2020 Event Scene 2 (JP).mkv (103.4 MiB)
        • Ao - Kisaku 2020 Event Scene 6 (JP).mkv (176.7 MiB)
        • Ao - Onna Kanbu (アクーマ軍団女幹部 蒼) (JP).mkv (157.4 MiB)
    • Cocoa
      • EN
        • Cocoa - Demon Babel 03-2021 (EN).mkv (259.8 MiB)
        • Cocoa - Fire Festival(炎節わっしょい神輿ここあ) (EN).mkv (252.9 MiB)
        • Cocoa - Hallowitch(†ハロウィッチ†ここあ) (EN).mkv (179.8 MiB)
        • Cocoa - Oni(獄卒羅刹 ここあ) (EN).mkv (460.8 MiB)
        • Cocoa - Tamamo no Mae(玉藻前ここあ) (EN).mkv (271.4 MiB)
      • JP
        • Cocoa - Jeanne d'Arc(ジャンヌダルク ここあ) (JP).mkv (165.9 MiB)
    • Eliza
      • EN
        • Eliza - Bond 1 (EN).mkv (207.3 MiB)
        • Eliza - Magica Evo 2019(Magica2019 Evo エリザ) (EN).mkv (162.0 MiB)
        • Eliza - Onsen Nymph(幻想秘湯天女 エリザ) (EN).mkv (125.4 MiB)
        • Eliza - Snow Queen(スノークイーン エリザ) (EN).mkv (142.7 MiB)
      • JP
        • Eliza - Kisaku 2020 Event Scene 3 (JP).mkv (147.5 MiB)
        • Eliza - Kisaku 2020 Event Scene 7 (JP).mkv (220.9 MiB)
        • Eliza - NEAT Event Scene (JP).mkv (50.0 MiB)
        • Eliza - Nobunaga (第六天魔王 エリザ) (JP).mkv (49.8 MiB)
    • Group & Demons
      • EN
        • Ao & Aka - Yo Ho! A Pirate's Life Event (EN).mkv (214.2 MiB)
        • Demon - Into the Demon World (EN).mkv (145.2 MiB)
        • Demon - New Year Maiden Battle Event (EN).mkv (191.2 MiB)
      • JP
        • Ao & Aka & Eliza & Akisa - Kisaku 2020 Event Scene 9 (JP).mkv (72.4 MiB)
        • Iroha & Kaori - スイートバレンタインガチャ Event (JP).mp4 (145.7 MiB)
    • Hanabi
      • EN
        • Hanabi - Ancient Sage(エンシェントウィズダム はなび) (EN).mkv (126.8 MiB)
        • Hanabi - Anubisアヌビス はなび) (EN).mkv (231.8 MiB)
        • Hanabi - Authentic Maid (EN).mkv (288.1 MiB)
        • Hanabi - Demon's Babel 01-2020 (EN).mkv (186.0 MiB)
        • Hanabi - Magica Evo 2019(Magica2019 Evo はなび) (EN).mkv (272.0 MiB)
      • JP
        • Hanabi - Demon's Babel 02-2021 (JP).mkv (339.6 MiB)
        • Hanabi - Magica Xenos(Xenos Magica はなび) (JP).mkv (522.3 MiB)
    • Iko
      • EN
        • Iko - Birthday 1 (EN).mkv (245.9 MiB)
        • Iko - Demon Babel 02-2021 (EN).mkv (177.3 MiB)
        • Iko - Hot Player(灼熱野球ユニ 依子) (EN).mkv (126.6 MiB)
        • Iko - Stray Cat(ストレイキャット 依子) (EN).mkv (371.5 MiB)
        • Iko - Super Shiny Idol(キラキラ☆アイドル 依子) (EN).mkv (116.8 MiB)
      • JP
        • Iko - Kisaku 2021 Event Scene 2 (JP).mkv (65.4 MiB)
        • Iko - Magica Xenos(Xenos Magica 依子) (JP).mkv (128.6 MiB)
    • Iroha
      • EN
        • Iroha - Adorable Bikini(エモい出ビキニ いろは) (EN).mkv (168.2 MiB)
        • Iroha - Birthday 1 (EN).mkv (732.3 MiB)
      • JP
        • Iroha - Birthday 2 (JP).mkv (551.9 MiB)
        • Iroha - Sweet ♡ Valentine(スイート♡バレンタイン いろは) (JP).mp4 (111.8 MiB)
    • Kaori
      • EN
        • Kaori - Hallowitch(†ハロウィッチ† 花織) (EN).mkv (103.8 MiB)
        • Kaori - Sailor Swimsuit(セーラースクール水着 花織) (EN).mkv (100.9 MiB)
        • Kaori - Wine Girl(ワイン娘 花織) (EN).mkv (146.1 MiB)
      • JP
        • Kaori - Alice in Wonderland Event (JP).mkv (109.3 MiB)
        • Kaori - Alice in Wonderland(不思議の国のアリス 花織) (JP).mkv (64.4 MiB)
    • Lilly
      • EN
        • Lilly - Magica Evo 2020(Magica2020 Evo りり) (EN).mkv (298.2 MiB)
        • Lilly - Party Girl(姫会ドレス #リムパ りり) (EN).mkv (156.5 MiB)
        • Lilly - Western Cowgirl(ウェスタンカウガール りり) (EN).mkv (174.0 MiB)
      • JP
        • Lilly - Demon's Babel 08-2020 (JP).mkv (187.8 MiB)
        • Lilly - Kisaku 2021 Event Scene 4 (JP) .mkv (68.4 MiB)
        • Lilly - Magica Xenos(Xenos Magica りり) (JP).mkv (152.0 MiB)
    • Marianne
      • EN
        • Marianne - Bond 2 (EN).mkv (473.4 MiB)
        • Marianne - Demon's Babel 12-2020 (EN).mkv (171.7 MiB)
        • Marianne - Kawaii Warrior(モテカワ美少女戦士 マリアンヌ) (EN).mkv (141.8 MiB)
        • Marianne - Sadistic Succubus(サディスティックサキュバス マリアンヌ) (EN).mkv (297.3 MiB)
        • Marianne - Valentine Patissier(バレンタインパティシエール マリアンヌ) (EN).mkv (379.7 MiB)
      • JP
        • Marianne - Alice in Wonderland(不思議の国のアリス マリアンヌ) (JP).mkv (189.0 MiB)
        • Marianne - Demon's Babel 01-2020 (JP).mkv (69.9 MiB)
        • Marianne - Isekai Cosplayer(異世界レイヤーズⅡ マリアンヌ) (JP).mp4 (383.1 MiB)
        • Marianne - Kisaku 2021 Event Scene 3 (JP).mkv (83.8 MiB)
    • Seira
      • EN
        • Seira - Birthday 1 (EN).mkv (369.7 MiB)
        • Seira - Fluffy Rabbit(フラッフィーラビット セイラ) (EN).mkv (174.7 MiB)
        • Seira - Planet Monster in the Desert Event Scene (EN).mkv (177.2 MiB)
      • JP
        • Seira - Anubis(アヌビス セイラ) (JP).mkv (399.0 MiB)
        • Seira - Birthday 2 (JP).mkv (377.0 MiB)
        • Seira - Nobunaga (第六天魔王 セイラ) (JP).mkv (81.0 MiB)
        • Seira - Sweet Valentine (スイートバレンタイン セイラ) (JP).mkv (139.0 MiB)
Thanks for the update!! videos that are not in 1080 Marianne - Demon's Babel 01-2020 (JP) Eliza - NEAT Event Scene (JP) Ao - Holiday Bikini(バカンスビキニ2019 蒼) (EN) I was also curious if you weren't able to find the replacements for these? If I remember it correctly, they weren't in 1080 Ao - Holiday Bikini(バカンスビキニ2019 蒼) (JP) Ao - Magica Evo 2019(Magica2019 Evo 蒼) (JP)

HanabiHanabiHanabi (uploader)

@michael323232 Thanks for the feedback. • Mariane - Demon's Babel 01-2020. This one seems horrible. And I did it myself. So I might've fucked up the encoding. I use unsharp masking (ffmpeg -vcodec libx265 -crf 18 -filter:v "unsharp=lx=3:ly=3" -preset fast) in the animated ones to hide the loss of quality but using them on cg's screws them up completely. My bad. • Eliza - NEAT Event Scene (JP) and Ao - Holiday Bikini(バカンスビキニ2019 蒼) (EN) I didn't do them cause I didn't have them at the time. Someone provided their recording. I'll look into them. I have both on my account. • As for the JP ones. Evo 2019 I have. Holiday Bikini (JP) I can't buy yet. Not enough coins. I'll see someone that has her. I'll have their scenes for next batch.

HanabiHanabiHanabi (uploader)

After looking into marianne and eliza's cg scenes in-game and in the recording. The bad quality and heavy pixelation seems to be part of the scene when it zooms in. With some parts of Marianne's being the worst like at 12:53. I'll try enhancing them further but take into account that the original material is also of questionable quality.
oops I missed this one Marianne - Isekai Cosplayer(異世界レイヤーズⅡ マリアンヌ) (JP)
Group & Demons - Ao & Aka & Eliza & Akisa - Kisaku 2020 Event Scene 9 (JP) with Mahjong Soul sound lol

HanabiHanabiHanabi (uploader)

Issues noted. I'm missing both but I'll try asking their respective owners for better versions. Sorry about that.
Started playing the game because of these videos - it's actually very fun and the story well written for an H game. Playing it on my PC since there's no IOS version. Still in my first week of playing and I've got a party full of Ultra Rares, finally pulled a UR Ao this evening, so I got a UR for each girl type for Bond leveling.

HanabiHanabiHanabi (uploader)

@SerflusStyx Glad to hear that. I believe making and sharing these scenes helps the game garner more attention rather than make people stop spending money on it. It's a shame PH took all of them down. They were free exposure and the best way to show everyone how good the game actually is unlike those hentai banners that look like cheap scams. On another note I managed to get the all of the new kisaku scenes. So those will be on the next batch.
I think the audio lines for the Iroha - Sweet Valentine scene are all cut off too early, is there a potential fix? Thanks for your hard work!
You're doing God's work my friend. So nice to have a way to view the h-scenes without having to dump obscene amounts of cash into the game just to get potentially sub-par dresses just to have access to the scenes.
Literally have never commented and I've been browsing the site for close to a decade, but this definitely warrants a hearty thank you. You're awesome, thanks for the effort it's truely appreciated.