[uglywolf][ベルゼブブ] コンビニ少女Z v201211 Repacked

2021-02-03 08:25
File size:
3.0 GiB
Info hash:

This repack is based on my former repack which was here: https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/3073330
In addition to the latest DLC from NewDragon gained here: https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/3208333

You should be able to just Extract and Run the game.
If there exist any problem, leave a comment, and I’ll see what I can do.

-Added v202111 Patch

File list

  • [uglywolf][ベルゼブブ] コンビニ少女Z v201211 (Includes DLC 1&2 PrePatched).zip (3.0 GiB)

uglywolf (uploader)


Early seeds may slow, it’s because my own network. I can only apologize for that.

Beelzebub games are a pain in the ass with all their DLCs.
Thanks for your work!

Can’t get the game to run, despite being on japanese locale. The error mentions ANSI and Unicode, i’m on windows 10.

uglywolf (uploader)


Indeed they are, even I myself, having trouble back when I was younger.

What is your current-in-use system locale? Just to be sure, I believe you have JP keyboard installed, right?
If else still fails, try running it with JP display language. You can just change the display language, sign out your PC account, and relog.
Do the same to turn the display language back. If it still won’t run, I’ll try looking into it further.

Great, i’ve waiting for this. Thank you for the upload

i got this error
and some scene are just blank images.

uglywolf (uploader)


Try renaming your folder
From [uglywolf][ベルゼブブ] コンビニ少女Z v201211 (Includes DLC 1&2 PrePatched) => konbini
Or whatever that you feel fit and simple.

can I include the newest DLC patch in this directly or is it repacked differently?

uglywolf (uploader)


If you are talking about the “erotic goods patch” which was released at 27 April 2021, it should work.
But you need to make sure the repack I provided worked by its own beforehand.

As you may already read the comments, some people seems to be having problems with the repack I handled. Though, they haven’t said anything after my respond comment; which I could assume the problem may’ve been solved… Hopefully.

@uglywolf unfortunately the problem persist no matter what i did, so I gave up.
now i tried patching your version with the newest DLC uploaded by NewDragon and got this message that prevents me from playing https://ibb.co/wBRwS89
will you upload the repacked version of the new dlc?

The repack worked, but whenever I try to include the erotic goods patch, I get a “file is old, please redownload” in japanese and cant seem to play the game, if you have a repack with the newest DLC that works, it would be great if you could share it with us

uglywolf (uploader)


Usually, that former error happens when the game read wrong directory, or your windows may having problem trying to read Unicode letters.
Else, it may be something to do with how you unpack the files, which the case usually decrypted files being re-written in a wrong way. But this most likely not to be the case. For now, I’ll see what else can be the cause of this, it may be caused due to how I repacked the files.
My apologies for the inconvenience.

@anonkun @KuroiSekai
It seems that both of you having a similar problem, this usually happen when the patch are not being detected properly.
Though, I am not sure how this could happen to @anonkun.
But I assume @KuroiSekai already run the repacked game without issue at least once before adding the DLC. By doing that, the DLC should already work by default, unless there are other matters like unicode or install folder locations that breaks the content when the game try to read it.

I will make another repack when the time comes, only that I won’t do it as quick. As I mentioned on the former repack I had, I only going to do it a month or more after the latest content being released. I do this out of respect to the original uploader, and hopefully, the sellers too. I am sorry, but that is how I put my policy for this matter.
If you really need it in a jiffy, I can only wish(with you) that someone who can make a better repack and doesn’t mind hosting it asap, will do it.
So for now… I only hope that you can run the game properly.

yep game with punishment patch runs properly on my side, only had a problem trying to add the new patch on it, no rush on the new patch upload tho, am looking forward to your next repack upload

@KuroiSekai did you unlock all the scene in the game? because for me the game breaks when i get to Shigure’s H scene.
@uglywolf apparently there’s someone else uploading the combined version up to claimer patch, but when they try to patch it with newer DLC they got the same error asking to download the newer version of the main game.
You can upload whenever you want man, we understand. I never had any issues with Beelzebub’s game, it only get messy after claimer dlc released. Uploading after some time might be a good idea because last time i checked their DLsite page they’re adding a few patches to fix some bug too.

uglywolf (uploader)


Thank you.
And yeah, when I mention without issue, it means you can play the game from start to finish without missing anything.
So I’d like to know if you can truly finishes it, or you just run the game up to the prologue, and then exiting without reaching the ending of every route.

not all of it, but I got some H scenes unlocked already, I didn’t encounter any bugs/crashes so far
am checking for bugs and crashes, I’ll try to comment the details here if there’s any issues I’d encounter

NewDragon upped the latest update content patch. Any chance for a repack of the whole thing?


uglywolf (uploader)


Thank you.
✲plays a recording tape of few comments ago✲
"I will make another repack when the time comes, only that I won’t do it as quick. As I mentioned on the former repack I had, I only going to do it a month or more after the latest content being released. I do this out of respect to the original uploader, and hopefully, the sellers too. I am sorry, but that is how I put my policy for this matter.
If you really need it in a jiffy, I can only wish(with you) that someone who can make a better repack and doesn’t mind hosting it asap, will do it."
✲recording tape ended✲

not sure if i’m in the right place to ask this, since i have no clue about h-games forum or something like that
can we screw other girl than the blond and the OL? like perhaps our manager or the glasses girl
also, how to use the item like the costumes?
tia! cheers!

@uglywolf: I plan to dl and check it out regardless, but I just wanted to know which patch the “v202111 Patch” is? On the dlsite pages there are no version numbers unless the developer includes them in the notes, and none of the patch dates for the main game or the latest dlc included in the bundle match any variation of dates I can make from 202111 (in case it’s a patch date rather than actual version number).

TL;DR Which date is the latest patch included here from?

Thanks for the torrent, game worked fine here ( 10 hours in, no error/crash/bug).
Only issue is with the update, like always, they updated the base game (and all other patches), so just adding the new dlc will trigger the error posted above.
I found links with all the dlcs on anime-sharing, i’ll try it, either way, i’m very grateful for this torrent

For anyone starting now, here is a guide for the base game, at least you can figure what are the basics of the game
This one is a jp guide (with dlcs included), just right click and choose to translate the page, it’s crude, but helpful
Stay safe and have a nice day

Hmm. Odd, I keep having similar issues as someone mentioned before, where some specific scenes are blank (audio playing as normal). Notably, this has only happened so far with one random encounter girl (last in the list of such entries in-game recollection list for random girls) as well as the blonde (Anekawa Shigure) - during interrogation asking to see her belongings shows a blank scene, and specifically at the end of her Insult level 4->5 scene (second stranglation scene) it gives me an error referencing a problem finding ‘57_ap_004_02xzr1.png’ in data.xp3 (or something along those lines) with a reference to ‘57_ap_004_02.ks’, which leads me to believe that the errors are tied somehow to the third dlc somehow. This was specifically when choosing to cum inside, but choosing to come outside gave an almost identical error. After the error, I cannot advance the scene, I just get stuck on a white screen, although I can use the menu commands to return to title etc.

For now I’ll try to keep playing while simply avoiding any further progress with her, but it’s a bit aggrevating. I’ll see if I can afford to pick up the game properly myself, but it’s a bit expensive, even if it’s on sale atm.