[SLG] [BouSoft] 夜伽道 ~タピオカちゃんと田舎の夏休み~

2020-10-17 06:03 UTC
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**[SLG] [BouSoft] 夜伽道 ~タピオカちゃんと田舎の夏休み~** [![https://img300.imagetwist.com/th/37721/878g2hm9we8w.jpg](https://img300.imagetwist.com/th/37721/878g2hm9we8w.jpg)](https://imagetwist.com/878g2hm9we8w/RJ269793_img_main.jpg) **Information:** **Title / タイトル:** 夜伽道 ~タピオカちゃんと田舎の夏休み~ **Brand / ブランド:** BouSoft **Release / 販売日:** 2020/10/17 **File size / ファイル容量:** 1.29GB [![http://imgfrost.net/data_server_new/318/small/small_RJ269793_img_smp1.jpg](http://imgfrost.net/data_server_new/318/small/small_RJ269793_img_smp1.jpg)](http://imgfrost.net/9y6os2) [![https://imgtaxi.com/images/small/2020/10/17/5f8a880f16a73.jpg](https://imgtaxi.com/images/small/2020/10/17/5f8a880f16a73.jpg)](https://imgtaxi.com/img-5f8a880f16a75.html) [![https://imgdrive.net/images/small/2020/10/17/5f8a881362285.jpg](https://imgdrive.net/images/small/2020/10/17/5f8a881362285.jpg)](https://imgdrive.net/img-5f8a881362287.html) [![https://imgadult.com/upload/small/2020/10/17/5f8a88176d475.jpg](https://imgadult.com/upload/small/2020/10/17/5f8a88176d475.jpg)](https://imgadult.com/img-5f8a88176d477.html) [![https://imgadult.com/upload/small/2020/10/17/5f8a885f6789c.jpg](https://imgadult.com/upload/small/2020/10/17/5f8a885f6789c.jpg)](https://imgadult.com/img-5f8a885f6789e.html)

File list

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Stuck on black screen after Onii...chan! Edit: Nvm its regional format again
Still trying to figure out how to actually fuck her after unlocking it. Anyone know?
No idea how to fuck yet. I've managed to click on her tits and what not, but once I get her heart meter up to 50 the scene stops.
Mini guide (by me): 1) Every day pay your respects at the temple. To do that, talk with her, pick the first answer, select an amount on the second question (100 or 1000 yen, don't be stinky), and finally pick between the first, second or third option in the last question. Every option increases a specifc stat. You can look at the stats when opening "the book", at the right-bottom side. Alternate between them. 2) Every day try to do ecchi things with her. In the first question pick the second answer. In the second and third questions pick the first one. If the dialog is succesful, a new "scene" (more options) are unlocked (also a successful tune is played at the end). 3) In the settings view, make sure that the third option is selected in the menu at the right side, otherwise you can't touch her. Also, try to speak with her in every location, work and feed her. :'D Good luck! PD: the temple is not available at the start, try to play some days.
Dumb question but how do I save?
Also anybody else get a frame drop after re opening the game? I started out fine but I closed it and re opened it a few hours later and have horrible performance.
"Dumb question but how do I save?" At the end of each day, pick the option at the left-bottom side to save the game (the option at the top-right side also saves but sends you back to the title). Also, make sure to pick the second option in the title screen, the first one resets the game. "Also anybody else get a frame drop after re opening the game? I started out fine but I closed it and re opened it a few hours later and have horrible performance." Not in my case, but I have a couple of bugs. I just lost all of my progress due to one (basically, every time I close the game the days get multiplied x10 and well... the game just exploded at some point).
The game have very slow progressing Spoiler : You will need to unlock each H scene it take a long time (around 20 days in game times) until you can have full H scene
Incomplete H-act guide As stated by Buta above, H-acts will be unlocked as the days go, provided you raise stats at the shrine and occasionally talk to her through the h option. Automatic (her doing you) acts can be unlocked similarly by talking to her normally at the location right next to your house, in the second mini location inside (between the two sheds). Some additional options (not sure which) can be unlocked by letting her play the game outside the candy shop, and searching and talking to her at different locations. How to do stuff (controls): holding right click will always cancel your current acts and take you back, then when just looking, take you into the h menu and inventory. If a toy/cock is inserted far enough, it will leave it in there (if its the cock auto fuck speeds appear in h menu). There you can select your tools (cock, hand, tongue, drinks, drugs, toys, more on these later), as well as activate auto modes, select poses, and undress her (all if unlocked obviously). Each touch and continuous touches will drain her hydration, that can always be refilled with the drinks, bought in candy shop. Only first drink group hydrates, the others will make her drunk/horny and give other effects without hydrating much if at all, not sure which does what tho. Fast left click is for single action touch, double click is to cum when pointing at cock, in action or if its selected, OR splurt the drinks on/in her (if inserted), or slap. HOLDING left click will either zoom in and select your tool, or start continuous action, if pointing at the right spots. Holding and clicking middle mouse button will switch tool mode, if available, also stick vibrators to certain spots (clit, nipples). (continued)
With that out the way, how to ACTUALLY FUCK: her auto mode is rather simple and self evident, all you need to do is double click your cock to cum and select speeds at the menu. Hand/tongue/toy - holding left click will 'select the toy further' and zoom in, holding it again on the right spot will position it and zoom in again to interact with the spot. Cock works a little differently, it will get you to jerk off over her instead if you miss the spot, so hold right mouse button to cancel and aim for the spot again. You can also initiate titjob or ass rub by jerking off over her tits/ass (from behind) and clicking midde mouse button. Available fuck points otherwise are mouth (cock, drink, and tongue only), anus, pussy and urethra, like previous entries. Not sure yet if nipple fuck is available. Now for the annoying bit - actually getting it in these holes... Drugs and drinks as lubrication can help her loosen up as far as i feel, but normally you either lick the spot or jam a drink and splurt it inside, and try pry it open with said drink and/or fingers first, and only then repeat with cock. As to how to 'pry', you need to shake side to side while pushing, and/or push, and/or straight up ram whatever your tool is over and over. It can take quite a while, but as i mentioned, drug injections and certain drinks can help (insert the needle with middle click when aimed btw), also, the thin urethral toy goes in easier than the rest of the toys and tools. The good news is - holes stretch overtime and get easier to penetrate, or at least the pussy did for me, the rest are still a bitch, in fact didn't manage to jam the cock in her ass even once yet, but did in the urethra... Go figure. Hope a fucking translation comes sometime soon! End of guide, think there may be a lot more because i don't know how to progress further with dialogues and locations.
Also - Drugs and drinks alter her behavior and speech, purple drugs (the most expensive kind especially) make the injected area super sensitive. There are multiple orgasm levels, for that you must fill the outside heart before the inside one runs out. You can no longer properly continue if the hydration falls to 0 (and it absolutely plummets during orgasms and hyper orgasms! sometimes it falls faster than other times even from simple touching, not sure what it depends on, maybe some dialogue, stat, food or day, or wrong drugs used). 3-4 orgasms get to ahegao, 7 or 8 is a broken heart (fucked STUPID), no worries tho, its not permanent. Not sure if you can repeat it to get any other result or get past 7 or 8...
can you update the game to ver 1.7 please?