│2D.G.F.│[200828] [ZION] 淫獄の姫騎士姉妹 オークの家畜苗床 (PKG版)

2020-08-29 17:26 UTC
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1.2 GiB
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![img](https://i.imgur.com/09P0JGx.jpg) 淫獄の姫騎士姉妹 オークの家畜苗床 ブランド / Brand:ZION 発売日 / Release Date:2020/08/28 ファイルサイズ / File Size:1.17GB 紹介ページ / Information:[http://zion.product.co.jp/26_orc/index.html](http://zion.product.co.jp/26_orc/index.html) 紹介ページ / Information:[http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=1092387](http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=1092387) 紹介ページ / Information:[https://www.mikocon.com/thread-47672-1-1.html](https://www.mikocon.com/thread-47672-1-1.html)│ [bishoujo](http://bishoujo.moe)

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  • (18禁ゲーム) [200828][ZION] 淫獄の姫騎士姉妹 オークの家畜苗床 パッケージ版 (iso+mds).rar (1.2 GiB)
need crack , this game can't play with japanese locale emulator ![alt text](https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img923/3079/HuEB06.png)
@SilverTaurus98 The "you-can-do" countermeasure for this is usually by changing your system locale to Japan, and then set your computer MAIN time as +9 which is JST. I am rather convinced that CH means China. Please do not rely too much on Locale Emu, it's a temporary measure, not an absolute solving. I won't say it's a bad app, but it already did not help you on this matter. Yes, my PC is set whole-fully as Japan standard. So I can run ZION products just fine without crack. Pretty sure most of them who are here also does the same. Who knows we probably even have a true Nipponjin lurking in here.
This is a game with similar error, they have crack file and we don't need to roam the computer, language to Japan manually: https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/3108108 CH means afternoon, not china, I hate ching chong
Yeah even with my locale, formatting, and time zone set to JP standard I can't start the game.
Just saw you had issues while looking for other games, so tried and had the same issue... So.... I fixed it :3 Enjoy~ Patched executable: http://www.mediafire.com/file/vw9u8ew1as6c51s/file The fix just change conditions from "if false", to "if true" when needed. Screenshot of my edits for proof as I really almost never post stuff here : https://i.ibb.co/CsQZzBZ/Annotation-2020-09-03-181506.jpg
Oh, maybe you have a "0his" error with my previous work... I fixed some checks, but maybe it's not enough (as my system still is using japanese regional settings, so maybe I messed up by fixing conditions...), so maybe it will not work I already uninstalled the game, so I couldn't try out if it works, so I let you three cracks in this folder : http://www.mediafire.com/folder/bhkvpmbn54m2l/ZION First is the same as before, if it give you the error but edited like "0his" instead of "this" (it's to understand why it block your game), just use the second crack that fix this. The last one is what I should have done from the start and just ignore all checks, so it should works perfectly fine for everyone, but can't try it... let me know
thank you for the effort , it's work
@SilverTaurus98 Sorry about that. Guess ZION also started to go region lock. And thanks for resolving.
Sonicmaster, can you reupload the best crack? it is blocked by mediafire probably because the file name has 'crack' in it
It can be easily cracked with Alpharomdie 1. open the iso file, then copy and paste the files inside to your local disk. 2. run Autorun.exe with Locale Emulator, then install it (click the top most button). 3. open the INSTALLED FOLDER (ZION\淫獄の姫騎士姉妹). There, you'll find SiglusEngine.exe 4. open AlphaROMdiE.exe, then drag SiglusEngine.exe into it. 5. a shortcut named SiglusEngine.exe should be created in the same folder. Click the shortcut to start the game.