it brokened?
Failed to load PlayerSettings (internal index #0). Most likely data file is corrupted, or built with mismatching editor and platform support versions.
As expected from an anonymous upload. Don’t waste your bandwidth, it doesn’t work:
Thanks upload should be reported… Been seeing quite a few lately that do not work that link back to Onlyhgames… seems there standards are now total crap. It use to have good downloads now I would not download anything from them.
Comments - 3
it brokened?
Failed to load PlayerSettings (internal index #0).
Most likely data file is corrupted, or built with mismatching
editor and platform support versions.
As expected from an anonymous upload. Don’t waste your bandwidth, it doesn’t work:
Thanks upload should be reported… Been seeing quite a few lately that do not work that link back to Onlyhgames… seems there standards are now total crap. It use to have good downloads now I would not download anything from them.