[![IMAGE ALT TEXT HERE](https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Ve512KMlwkM/WG0Cx1-3dJI/AAAAAAAAA2k/2l9FOMrLHPIg0d--zzMYBsadmDW8h0krwCLcB/s200/screenshots-icon.png)](https://www.onlyhgames.com/go.php?id=d75)
it brokened?
Failed to load PlayerSettings (internal index #0).
Most likely data file is corrupted, or built with mismatching
editor and platform support versions.
Thanks upload should be reported.. Been seeing quite a few lately that do not work that link back to Onlyhgames.. seems there standards are now total crap. It use to have good downloads now I would not download anything from them.
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