The return of the lewdest heroine of all anime! The lazy folks at deliver just in time for Valentine Day!
After having experienced climaxing in the bathroom, incest with her stepbrother (Hiroshi aka 'Onii-chan'), blackmailing by the most famous gigolo in town (Kono), being dumped by said stepbrother, Ami decided to focus on her idol career for a change. Three years after the last told events, her tumultuous past strikes back with a vengeance. Will she manage to deal with her two past lovers, her bitter stepmom, and her next big concert event all at the same time? This new sub-series of Cream Lemon is made of four episodes where drama rivals with sex.
In today's episode, Ami does not forget to entertain us with her trademark masturbation scene (as in each lewd episode, rewatch the previous ones if you don't trust me :p). We also meet Hiroshi's new girlfriend for the first time, Kono having fun with his sexy secretary, and a production assistant getting unexpected attention from our drama heroine.
Stay tuned for more drama and sex as the story and the j-pop songs unfold :D

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