I'll never, ever touch your releases again. :D Only reason I clicked on your upload was to flip you massive cunts the bird.
Anyone that tries to bash other upload sources with false adware(esque) claims deserves to get blacklisted from any sites that host their links.
Fuck you, 2.D.G.F.(and sukebei to a lesser extent for not managing it). I do appreciate the years you provided me quick releases(sometimes weeks ahead of girlcelly), but trying to bullshit folks via a smear campaign is really fuckin' scummy. My only hope is all your site visitors keep their adblock apps on when visiting your site and it slowly dies.
I ain't got no patience for fuckers trying to isolate their market.
Dudes, I think you should all dilate or something to calm yourselves down.
Especially considering most releases like this are from Tailon and you're just arguing about whom you'll get a repost from.
@cptaiman1994 From what I've understood mikocon's releases are mostly taken from velka (rpg games only).But since velka bought most of them he asked him to at least write some credits on the torrent description.
Not sure if it's the truth tho.
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