# #PrayForJapan
#### 台風19号の犠牲者のために、ヒカキンの募金活動に寄付してください!➤ https://donation.yahoo.co.jp/detail/1630043/
[EN] Please donate to Hikakin's (JP YouTuber) fundraiser for the victims of Typhoon Hagibis!
![alt text](https://hkacger.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/%E9%AC%BC%E6%BB%85%E4%B9%8B%E5%88%83-TMA.jpg "abc")
**Support the creators!** : https://fantia.jp/products/36790
#### TITLE:
鬼詰めのオメコ (Demon-Laden Omeko)
#### 品番 / PART NO.:
#### 収録時間 / Run-time:
130 mins.
#### 作品紹介 / Synopsis:
An AV parody / live adaptation based on the popular anime!
A world view that reeks of horniness. In order to save his sister who has been mutated into a demon, his brother forbids it. A younger sister who becomes demonized and becomes obscene. While dripping the sword, crawl for his dick, and squeeze out semen to overcome hunger and to moisten the throat. An elder brother who struggles to return his sister to a human being uses his breathing technique to pour his breath into his crotch. She is getting very horny, and both siblings fall into their fantasies...
![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/CxVWgoL.jpg"abc")
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