Hi, Someone already reached the choices for personal route? because to me Asuka route’s choise doesn’t appear (the others yes) so if someone could tell me when Asuka’s choise appear? Thanks
This is the Steam release not by Nekonyan, labeling it as such is wrong. It should only be labeled as such if it was bought from Nekonyan (or the source was from there) but that is not the case here, a crack wouldn’t be needed if it was from Nekonayan or other sources besides Steam.
Comments - 5
According to this: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1044620/discussions/0/1630790506923082015/
There’s a patch which fixes the “text border” option.
Does somebody have it? I really like to read with 0% opacity on the text box, but the font used by default in Aokana is not good for that.
all i get is a white window then it crashes.
Hi, Someone already reached the choices for personal route? because to me Asuka route’s choise doesn’t appear (the others yes) so if someone could tell me when Asuka’s choise appear? Thanks
Never Mind…I find it
This is the Steam release not by Nekonyan, labeling it as such is wrong. It should only be labeled as such if it was bought from Nekonyan (or the source was from there) but that is not the case here, a crack wouldn’t be needed if it was from Nekonayan or other sources besides Steam.