種類: RAW (H.264/AVC 10-bit)
Title: KITE Uncut
タイトル: カイトUNCUT [ 1998年 ]
音声: 日本語 (ドルビーデジタル5.1ch、WV 2chステレオ)
中身: 18禁アニメ 無修正 全1話
ソース: ブルーレイ・ディスク
- Kite Liberator Special Edition has been released on nonfap page
- sup files for kite uncut and kite liberator sp ed are incl.
The actual uncut one is 60 minute long and contains a particular scene shown (labelled 32:24) here: https://www.movie-censorship.com/report.php?ID=125270
It's not present in this released so this is not truly "uncut"
Comments - 3