This also contains a collection of works from a small handful of other loli artists as a bonus, listed below:
Everything is in the highest quality they were released in on EXH, nothing scaled down.
There’s a few other torrents out there with the LO mags, but to the best of my knowledge they opted for the scaled down versions for the larger resolution releases.
For stuff that got multiple uploads I compared them and picked what I thought was the better quality release. Ocassionally I included multiple releases for when I was hesitant on which was actually better.
----- From a gracious loli EXH donor
press F to pay respects for the panda panda is alive praise east europe
Comments - 8
Yosh (uploader)
This collection has been manually compiled. It should be accurate. Please report any issues.
Yosh (uploader)
hrenosoft: It’s just taking a while. I don’t have the best upload. It seems like it’s working steadily though. A couple peers I have connected right now are around 70%
Yosh, Superb, I hope this upload will continue for a long time, they call us zombies
Thanks for another rare share!!!
Please rename the files so that they go in numerical order and add LO 186-187 (already posted).
Missing 2015-09 and 2016-05
In 2019-04, pages 214 and 278 are corrupted.