[小丁(Fantasy Factory)] 逆童貞殺す毛衣

2019-07-25 09:27 UTC
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460.0 MiB
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![alt text](https://img.nmb.ink/links/tourist/780eb0725052344.png) It is so stupid to purchase 18+ resources by your real world personal information, that I can only deduce the creator thought this up after his brain got smashed by an hard apple. If you don't know what's happening, this is the one I'm referring to: https://www.patreon.com/posts/we-are-going-to-28586870 The creator claimed "These data will not be leaked" (while the data is uploaded and stored in Google Form). Even technology giants like Microsoft and Google did leaked user information before. So what make the creator so sure about not leaking the information when the data is just protected by a set of Google username/password and has no encryption at all? In addition, the creator claimed this an act to fight privacy, but I know he was and still is enjoying "free" resources that others shared. Hypocrisy I believe? So, now please enjoy watching this cunt, for later on you will need to disclose your REAL name and profile if you want to watch. 我认为需要通过实名制购买资源的行为非常的愚蠢,不知道创作者是怎么用他的屁股想出这个主意 欢迎各位高雅人士观摩一下创作者的智障言论:https://www.patreon.com/posts/we-are-going-to-28586870 他说,他保证能妥善保管好客户的个人资料 我不知道他哪里来的信心敢这样子做出承诺,就连微软、谷歌都没有这个信心可以轻易的做出这样的承诺 难道就凭他一个小小的色影师吗? 我认为这个色影师不长脑子用他的屁股想事情他的决策,跟他的屁一样臭 需要注意的事情,这个作者在享受别人分享的资源的同时,抨击别人分享他创作的资源 而且据我所知,这个创作者曾经收了两个人100$和250$的赞助费用后直接拉黑了他们 虽然这两个人的行为确实存在违反创作者和他们之间的契约,身为创作者将它们拉黑无可厚非 作为创作者当然可以拉黑他们,但是收了钱再拉黑是几个意思? 还有之前这位色影师的所做作为,我在这就不一一赘述,有兴趣的老哥可以在下面讨论下这个色影师“杰路”的黑历史 8说了,大家一起来看批,有批大家一起康,全球首创需要实名制观摩的睾贵批 我认为需要通过实名制帮衬资源嘅行为好嘅寿,唔知创作者系点用佢屎忽想出呢个主意 欢迎各位高雅人士观摩创作者嘅低能言论:https://www.patreon.com/posts/we-are-going-to-28586870 佢话,佢保证可以妥善保管好客户嘅个人资料 我唔知佢系边度嚟嘅信心够胆呢样做出承诺,微软、谷歌都冇呢个信心可唔可以轻易嘅做出咁嘅承诺 唔通就凭佢一个小小嘅影相佬呀? 我认为呢影相佬唔长脑子用佢屎忽谂嘢佢决策,同佢咩一样死 要注意嘅嘢,呢个作者享受人哋分享嘅资源嘅同时,抨击人哋分享佢创作嘅资源 而且据我所知,呢个创作者曾经收咗两个人100$同250$嘅sponsor使费后直接拉黑咗佢哋。 虽然呢两个人嘅行为真系存在违反创作者同佢哋之间嘅契,身为创作者将佢哋拉黑无可厚非 作为创作者当然可以拉黑佢哋,但系收咗钱再拉黑系几呀? 仲有之前呢位色影师嘅所做作为,我喺呢就唔一一赘述,有兴趣嘅老哥可以喺下面倾下呢个影相佬“杰路”嘅黑历史。 8讲嘞,大家一起睇閪,有閪大家一齐睇,第日要实名睇嘅睾贵閪 ![alt text](https://img.nmb.ink/links/tourist/aa5ff0725034505.png)

File list

  • 逆童貞殺す毛衣
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@M3ngXln. Thanks bud
nice! please dump more their stuff XD
Thank you very much .
Sorry , i not good at english . Do you have photos of 2018?
多谢大佬的分享,关于这歌妹子的泄露图,我是第一次找到,也马上下载了0w0,真的非常感谢你! 请问大佬,还有跟多关于这个妹子的图吗?这妹子真的漂亮0w0
蒐集實名個資? 主站都不敢要求使用者證件影本了 和patreon隱私權政策和使用規章對著幹的,這應該是頭一個 只要有人去檢舉,應該就掰了 笑死! 檢舉信箱在這,上吧! privacy@patreon.com
1810 https://mega.nz/#!OvAiVSiL 1811 https://mega.nz/#!rigmiA6R @M3ngXln. plz upload
I made a website for these photos. You can check these photos online. Please note that all photos are compressed. https://www.fantasyfactory.xyz/
@acrx i need decrypt key

M3ngXln (uploader)

@xibotazi THX,This is very helpful to me and helps them to collect personal privacy.

M3ngXln (uploader)

@acrx Thank you very much for sharing, but how can I open them? I can't access without a password.
oh sry 1810 https://mega.nz/#!OvAiVSiL!ggic8XVWF83MexyoPBN0MH0w0ZMPoc5iri3M2YSgKUU 1811 https://mega.nz/#!rigmiA6R!cWD88imNxleF9cI2flhGsIlfxWFBN3P7uB9dq3NwsS4

M3ngXln (uploader)

@acrx okey,I will upload them.
i suggest that you need to delete that torrent. when he find,he would try to sue you. so please,my bigboss 這個涉及刑事案件,所以還請大哥刪除 麻煩您了。
they are already to sue you
very nice,射爆了. please upload other r-20 photos of this cosplayer!
@acrx, do you have any other set ?
What's the name of that girl in pictures?
@acrx still waiting for the another set!