Hi, just a message from the original author(not me)
This is a hentai collection from 1969-2015, 1969-1990(0.652TB),1991-2000(1.35TB),2001-2005(1.61TB),2006-2010(1.64TB),2011-2015(1.28TB), TOTAL OF 6.65TB, subs consisting of mostly chinese, with few of other languages, few videos may be bad quality, do it on your own from the DVD/BD included if you need, few music archives are password protected, look for those from tsdm(chinese site).
Do not download if you don’t have the space or speed because others need it, if you do download, please SHARE and CARE by uploading at the same time, don’t take all the bandwidth!
part123 completed, part4 seeding atm, part5 will start probably after part4.(according to author)
Comments - 6
Hi, just a message from the original author(not me)
This is a hentai collection from 1969-2015, 1969-1990(0.652TB),1991-2000(1.35TB),2001-2005(1.61TB),2006-2010(1.64TB),2011-2015(1.28TB), TOTAL OF 6.65TB, subs consisting of mostly chinese, with few of other languages, few videos may be bad quality, do it on your own from the DVD/BD included if you need, few music archives are password protected, look for those from tsdm(chinese site).
Do not download if you don’t have the space or speed because others need it, if you do download, please SHARE and CARE by uploading at the same time, don’t take all the bandwidth!
part123 completed, part4 seeding atm, part5 will start probably after part4.(according to author)
Thanks MisakaMikoto for sharing this great resource.
not me @.@, I just happen to see this and checked with the author and see if he needs me to post any comments.
This is too fucking Godlike share!!!
Thank You!!!
Amazing work thanks