**Title**: Kangoku Senkan Premium Box
**Original title**: 監獄戦艦PREMIUM BOX
**Year**: Japan 2013-10-25, English Patch v1.01 2019-04-15
**Publishers**: Anime Lilith
**Language**: English
**Voice**: Japanese
**Translation**: Dark Translations & Rattan Man Translations
**English Patch**: [Rattan Man Translations](https://rattanmantrans.tumblr.com/post/184197706465/kangoku-senkan-premium-box-english-translation)
This set includes:
Kangoku Senkan ~Hidou no Sennou Kaizou Koukai~ / Prison Battleship
Kangoku Senkan 2 ~Yousai Toshi no Sennou Kaizou~ Complete Edition / Prison Battleship 2 - Complete Edition
Kangoku Senkan IF - "What if Bohgan has finished the perverted brainwashing of Rieri and Naomi, completed the mission and was to marry Rieri?"
1. You need to change system locale to Japanese.
2. No need to install.
3. Patch Notes:
- "Kangoku Senkan and Kangoku Senkan IF translated by Dark Translations. Kangoku Senkan 2 translated by Rattan Man."
**!!!** [Kangoku Senkan 3](https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2650121)

You uploaded Taimanin Asagi and Prison Battleship Games!
Godlike share!
Sorry for asking so much again! But do you happen to have 100% Save as well? This is the last one and I don't want to keep asking you in every share thread.
Only Taimanin Asagi and Prison Battleship which I appreciate you already providing Asagi save :D
Will continue to seed this!! Great work as always :)
i don't know how to show screenshots but there are some volleyball girls picture in there(instead of game screenshots). its not necessarily a bad thing but i'm interested in what is happening with the pictures.
SomaHeir, extract the savedata folder inside the game folder, next to the exe file - http://sagaoz.net/savedata/ka/kangokusenkanpremiumbox_west.zip
yohane666, I can see the screenshots just fine. No idea why this is happening for some people. It's like the picture hosting site is censoring the +18 screenshots in some countries. Can you see the screenshots in Taimanin Asagi Premium Box torrent? I'll remove all pictures if people are annoyed by the volleyball girls.
@superelmo i could see all the screenshots in taimanin asagi one. you don't need to remove all pictures man. it doesn't bother me at least. i was just interested in what was happening. thanks for the consideration tho.
Yeah, I can verify your screenshots also show up as volleyball girls for me.
If I had to guess, it's some kind of hotlinking protection that's incredibly buggy. You'd see it fine since you saw the original images so that's still what's cached in your browser. I don't think it's region based given I've accessed Nyaa both behind and not behind a VPN from various locations.
I already tested on different browsers, different PCs and behind VPN, and it always shows the screenshots for me. What I know for sure is that some people can see the screenshots. I never seen those volleyball girls. It’s definitely not only the cache and I’m using the same image hosting site for years. Probably something bugged as you said, I don’t have an idea.
Thank You so much!!!!!
I'm assuming it works the same way with Taimanin Asagi when using the save?
Again, I cannot thank you enough for the shares and saves!
Ugh. You know, instead of asking for the saves, you can just search google. Original title (which was already provided in the description so you don't have to go to the vndb page) + site:sagaoz.net. So that's: *監獄戦艦PREMIUM BOX site:sagaoz.net* ...And would you look at that, I got to the same link superelmo posted, in under 10 seconds, no less. -_-
Comments - 14
superelmo (uploader)
superelmo (uploader)
superelmo (uploader)