**Title**: Rina no Chiisana Oka
**Original title**: 里奈の小さな丘
**Year**: Japan 2017-07-14, English Patch 2019-07-02
**Developer**: Kaerinokai2
**Publishers**: Kaerinokai2
**Language**: English
**Voice**: Japanese
**Animation**: Animated H-Scenes
**Translation**: [Hoshi](https://ulmf.org/threads/rj202819-rinas-little-hill-no-sana.13189/)
1. You need to change system locale to Japanese.
2. No need to install.
Those are really short, but even if Hoshi used MTL tools, at least the edit is not bad at all. Absolutely nothing like the "flood" of unedited(or really bad edited) "official MTLs". Just saying in case people think that this is a machine translation.
Comments - 5
superelmo (uploader)