Hello guys, some time ago I uploaded the partial version of this. Now there is this translation stage that has the main story completely translated, so enjoy, there is still some stuff left to translate from the team doing it right now, but it’s mostly secondary stuff. You can find the repository for the translation here:
I put both Illias’ and Alice’s saves in a rar in there, includes most monster girl recruited and the game done, just put the content in the save directory.
ArzorX’s repository is the one currently being updated pretty regularly, so you can get yer updates here. Also, hope his team translates part 3 but we will see 'bout that.
Enjoy, pervs.
Comments - 10
Will this upload be fixed(0 completed in 2 days), its a fun game and im stuck at the untranslated part.
Danieke (uploader)
This has the main story fully translated, if you want to keep up with the updates check the ArzorX bitbucked link, it also has the instructions to manually translate.
Thanks for sharing. I’m sorry to bother, but I’d like to ask something, if you don’t mind:
I’m using the Alice Saves, is there any way to fight again the folks at “Monster Lord’s Castle (Alt)”? No matter what I do, they remain friendly and just talk to me, I’d like to try to recruit a few of them, if it’s possible. Thank in advance. I know I can go to the Hades and make use of, well, let’s call it Recollection right now, but that won’t allow me to recruit.
Danieke (uploader)
The recruiting process takes time, it’s been a while since I last played, but I think I do have someone that has the more recruiting chance… If not, look for any hunter class monster that has that. Recruiting can be a pain in the ass, so just keep trying haha.
Thanks, but reading your answer, I’m afraid I didn’t explain myself correctly: when I go to the Monster Lord’s Castle (Alt) there are no random battles, zero, nada… At best Alicetrometria (or whatever her name is) leaves the party once I reach the Monster Lord’s floor, but she seemingly disappears. All the monster ladies I talk to there mention a treasure gallery/room (that you’ve obviously already looted)… But again, no random battles there, not anymore, at least. Looking at the “Library” in the menu, it seems you have fought the enemies exclusive to that location at some point, maybe it’s one of those “only available once/point of no return” kind of things.
Danieke (uploader)
Ah, hahaha, sorry. Seems I had Vanilla with the ability “no encounters” on. You go to the abilities tab, look for Vanilla and in the special abilities tab, you can deactivate it.
Thank you for the upload.
The “Blobs” folder is big (2.39 gb) & unnecessary. It is generated when you apply translation. Please delete it before uploading the torrent.
Would you be able to post the newest version from arzorx’s blog? https://arzorxblog.home.blog/2020/06/16/important-update-part-2/
It’s got quite a few new additions to the info in battles and has a bit more translated than this version (for example some sidequests and good chunk of fishy pirate dialogue isn’t translated in the current version).
Danieke (uploader)
@Illias_follower: I see, didn’t know that. I will remember that for next time.
@Generalsmalls93: I know he has, but I didn’t think it necessary until a big update (That we will be getting soon for part 2), but I may do it. It will be slow, though.