[![https://www.iceimg.net/themes/latest/ssd/small/1069/small-Manhunt1.jpg](https://www.iceimg.net/themes/latest/ssd/small/1069/small-Manhunt1.jpg)](https://www.iceimg.net/site/v/7154925#1069&7154925) [![https://www.iceimg.net/themes/latest/ssd/small/1069/small-Manhunt2.jpg](https://www.iceimg.net/themes/latest/ssd/small/1069/small-Manhunt2.jpg)](https://www.iceimg.net/site/v/7154926#1069&7154926) [![http://r01.imgrock.co/i/00627/gbynb8m453xh_t.jpg](http://r01.imgrock.co/i/00627/gbynb8m453xh_t.jpg)](http://imgrock.co/gbynb8m453xh/Manhunt3.jpg.html) [![http://io1.imgoutlet.co/i/00761/bvvg1faamze1_t.jpg](http://io1.imgoutlet.co/i/00761/bvvg1faamze1_t.jpg)](http://imgoutlet.co/bvvg1faamze1/Manhunt4.jpg.html)
大陸の西にあるアンブロシア帝国が東の衆国に統合侵略戦を始めた。 強い戦争武器によって皇帝オテン三世が、数えきれない程の激戦の末、大陸を統一した。
その時バトゴル省の反軍が反乱して、エドワード王子は前線に出陣しなければならなくなる。 キャサリンに残されている時間はごくわずかだ。 キャサリンは是が非でも帝都で種男を探し妊娠したい。
昼と夜の切り替え可能。戦闘モードなし。 浮気値が事件に影響します。
■CG 基本CG12枚+差分+ダイナミックCG3枚 服の立ち絵 四種
■注意 RPGツクールVXのRTPが必要です。
The old emperor made a declaration.
Whoever could make Catherine the queen pregnant first, would win the throne.
The best candidate, Prince Edward, had fought in many wars and was tired.
He would not participate in the folly of a competition for an empire he cared nothing for.
Catherine remained childless. She wanted badly to be pregnant and become empress.
There was an uprising by the ministry of Batogol.
War was not done with Edward, and he was to depart for the front line.
Catherine foresaw a long and bleak season of loneliness.
For better or worse she decided to go to the imperial capitol and find a man.
Any man to make her a baby.
Ghost_SM presents
BITCH PRINCESS ~Catherine's Manhunt~
A hentai RPG about a queen who wants to be empress.
The game has:
day/night modes
NO battles
infidelity and whorishness
12 base CGs + variables + 3 dynamic works + 4 pose art outfits
Requires RPG Tkool VX Ace RTP (free):
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