It’s old anime.
This is one of my memories when I was a boy…
There are 3 episodes, all of this series.
This version includes DVD-chapters, video after waifu2x and sound-tracks.
Sound-tracks is from DVD that is AAC and do not encode again.
Sound-track 1: Japanese
Sound-track 2: English
There are playback samples on 3840x2160 with madVR(NGU).
This version (4X) (you can download it to view origin size)
Origin(after TIVTC) (you can download it to view origin size)
This version (4X) (you can download it to view origin size)
Origin(after TIVTC) (you can download it to view origin size)
This version (4X) (you can download it to view origin size)
Origin(after TIVTC) (you can download it to view origin size)
Comments - 9
Bro - too much blur. Too strong filtration. All details was just wiped.
Too big filesizes for this level of quality.
Resize is not native, because DVD goes vith black lines. 1280x960 - obliviously aspect ratio was changed & video streched. And due not even numbers for resize - pixels migrates that makes changes also. If shortly - this is not an 4x zoom - this is 4 point many numbers zoom.
Look here, another HEVC DVDRip:
(in folders EXTREME - The Night When Evil Falls)
It is way more smaller and yet competitive quality.
And fixed colours palette.
Use QTGMC for deinterlace on QTGMC settings very slow or placebo and for resizer - spline 144
litfal (uploader)
Hi EvGaS:
Thanks for your bro.
May you suggest any method to crop/resize for DVD?
Some DVD has special black lines. There are 4 left 4 right, 8 left 8 right, 8 left 8 right 3 top or … many many types.
How do you crop and resize them?
And let me say somethings about bros.
I corp 8x2 pixels black lines on left and right sides. ( 720x480 > 704x480 )
Do 4X Super-sampling by waifu2x. ( 704x480 > RGB 32bits float > waifu2x > 2816x1920 > yuv420p10)
And set DAR 4:3 in MKV after encode. (same as DVD)
I NEVER did any resize to change aspect in this version.
I think it is not AE=0, but it’s very small. (about 0.3%)
File size:
Because it’s 2560x1920. Actually, it’s 2816x1920.
But yes, you’re right. Maybe I can reduce crf and make it smaller.
Because I use waifu2x filter.
It can do up-sample and produce a very good anti-aliasing image.
And denoise the DCT>Quantization artifact in MPEG-2. ( You can see ringing and blocking on origin, especially beside edges. )
Aliasing and ringing are very strong when playing a DVD resolution on a 4K (and/or big) monitor. ( stronger than static picture.)
And yes, like almost denoisers, it also cause blur. Especially detail loss on background.
But who cares in a h-anime? At least I don’t care.
So I wrote strong waifu2x in title. If you don’t like the effect with waifu2x filter, you may skip this version.
I crop them by 2, but encoder matrix’s in program that I use - width must divide to 16 and heigth to 8 for some tasks of changes in video.
If You do some DVD crop - like 4 pixels from top - there will be no more clear 4:3 like the multiplying of heigth because of frame 720x476 - not 480 and better to try multiply the real frame sizes than basic DVD’s standard values before the crop. (this is an example)
About DAR 4:3 - after crop the frame must stretch to this AR in one way or another. Because frame is cropped and not real 4:3 anymore. So better do not stretch frame back to 4:3 because after difference more than 1,5% round objects starts percept like ovals.
Sometimes I do crop without resize, sometimes - resize before filtering, because source video is in unusual frame size andtoggle on correction to closest frame size matrix. And double resize not looks too good so I change that.
About zooming of DVD - only if that possible by precise 1,2 - 1.25 - 1.3333 - 1.5 or closest to them if there was crop and precize multiplied number not aviable in frame sizes. And preview and some short pieces of encoded video to compare before encoding entire disc.
Some old dvd’s just float ann i hsd odd frames crops and oddier numbers, but if i good remember - 704x480 is pretty standard situation easy to zoom (by heigth). Like in 1.25 will be something about 784x600 if encode in square pixel mode.
Fdjbn resizers - only one works good in way to upscale, not downscale - spline at wery high numbers (64 = around lanczgos 4). Others resizers do the job in upscale, but them do not sense because them just blur picture, when spline try to make new pisels from some subpixel analysis.
If compare - antialiasing resize is poor in result, still better than bicubic, but worster even from simple lanczgos 3 level that is used in most of programs-converters of video.
If in another words - pixels in video do not used effective and just waste bitrate because them do not hsve some useful info from some subpixel guessings of DVD source. So after some zoom there is no point if zooming technology is poor.
We just walks in differens directions - You try to make video looking clearer and smoother (kill ladders). I try to spawn more useful pixels due some small precize upscales, correct colours and save most of details and noise. Yes - on extra large monitor some 800x600 willbe pretty ladderish and sharpened but also more detalized thsn 480p or upscales with smoothing. Trouth zooming capability still depends from draw style of the show and wuality of DVD. The DVD of this show was in pretty shitty quality.
litfal (uploader)
Yes, just what do you want.
I just want to see clear girls in h-amine. :)
And you want keep detail and let file size as small as possible.
By the way, in normal animation, unless it’s very dirty, I want detail and origin style too.
Oh, but waifu2x is different from another AA resize.
You can look my samples, especially the second one.
Some lines after waifu2x are sharper and finer than origin.
About crop and resize:
If I just crop black lines (divided by 4), and set correct DAR with MKV or MP4.
Don’t do any resize to change aspect ratio or use same scale between width and height.
And it’ll be resampled to correct aspect ratio by player’s renderer.
What do you think?
Ermm… that’s calls an sharpener. His is present in some complex filters as their part. There many different sharpeners exists. (resizer and sharpener do different things)
Basically - almost any anime-oriented filter have an sharpener.
Some sharpeners works better in some conditions. Some - not.
Like example - on 3rd screen demon/elven earlines become not distinct and blurrier than in original screen in result screen - so waifu filter do not sharps all lines to better, only easy lines. but when need to sharp complex lines like this ear - it do worster even than was in 480p original*. If there an giant haircut to all size of screen - waifu seems it correct and do smooth line. So that’s showt that this filter is too way aggressive and will be good for hentai with simplier drawning style. And for this hentai needed some another filter with more sensetivity to details and less smoooth. Maybe - with more aggressive sharpener and another denoise - so it still can distinct smaller drawning blacklines instead blur almost all in the frame.
*some good sharpeners can do from this eralime more distinct pattern and change colours to pure black smooth line. Line will be thinnier but subjectivelly more distinct by the eye due contrast with surounding pixels and moving tovards one black colour during all the line. (black become errrm - blackier, borders of line become more distinct - but without pixel ladder effect)
So try to search another filters - from that i’ve seen waifu gives result about medium and good. This filter is good for modern anime - which is obliviously drawned simplier even in compare with some old hentai’s. (or shittier if You want in one word))))
About AR during view - it depends from player.
litfal (uploader)
No, I don’t want to do a balance rip.
If I want, I just download other rip from here. It’s easier than doing it myself.
I just want pretty and clear on big screen in important scene – h-scene is most important in H-animation.
Screen is almost like sample 1 and 2 in H-scene.
Even if I want to avoid blur lines, I still use waifu for H-anime because I want effects.
Maybe I will try to use mask to protect lines. But I have no idea how to do one mask to avoid side-effect as pic3 and keep the sharp effect as pic2.
Hey there mate. What happened to Dorei Usagi?
Also, please use Romaji version in the tittle as well. Perhaps English too. No clue what these are, had to google all the names.